2023年Junior WSD辩题解析

距离秋季首场Junior WSD比赛还有一个月的时间!周一为大家公布的首批已备辩题大家都认真查收了吗?

趁热打铁!今天我们邀请到了资深教练Robert Raos为大家带来 Junior WSD秋季常规赛 10/11月已备辩题解析 一起来看看本次公布的三个辩题,分别有哪些主要论点吧~

Robert Raos

超6年World School/BP辩论及教学经验



Motion Analysis 秋季已备辩题分析


It is time for another NHSDLC Junior World School Debate competition. To help you prepare, this article will provide a short overview of the main arguments and clashes of the three topics.

Junior WSD辩题解析|秋季备赛时间余额还剩一个月!

The first motion is: “THS students using language-generating tools like ChatGPT to help them complete assignments.”  
This motion is very framing-heavy. Based on the way teams characterize how language-generating technology is used by students, this debate can develop in drastically different directions.

From proposition, it is strategic to characterize ChatGPT not as a tool that does work instead of students but rather assists them.

Opposition, however, wants to prove the opposite. You can do this by arguing that students are lazy and overworked, so they want to reduce their workload as much as possible, which means they would use ChatGPT to avoid doing homework themselves.

Proposition may respond by claiming that teachers and parents can supervise the use of such technology and that students have an incentive to learn independently as they want to get good grades on tests. Then, proposition may compare language-generating tools to other methods of learning and claim that they are more time-efficient, as asking AI a question results in a quick and more precise answer than by browsing through an encyclopedia.

On the other hand, opposition may claim that students are more creative in their problem-solving when they do not rely on AI for assistance, as they have to think deeply about their project, boosting their critical thinking skills

Junior WSD辩题解析|秋季备赛时间余额还剩一个月!

“TH, as a young artist on the rise, would refuse an offer from a big record label to pursue an independent career” is the second motion of the set.

It is an actor motion, which means teams are supposed to analyze the interests of the actor – the young artist on the rise

Proposition 正方

Since the actor is already on the rise, proposition can assume that they have a reasonable fan following, which they can channel into their independent career.

It is important to define the different ways in which indie musicians can monetize their content without a record label: maintaining a social media presence, uploading content on streaming services, securing sponsorship deals, and creating accounts on crowdfunding websites.

Young people generally like freedom and new experiences; they want to discover themselves and be popular – therefore, having the choice to create whichever music you like best without the limitations placed upon you by a big company allows you to enjoy the experience of creating your own musical identity.

Additionally, you can claim that the artist will stand out among the competition more if they have the ability to pursue their unique style.

Opposition 反方

Opposition can counter this by giving proposition a reality check. The fact is that most indie artists fail due to the large amount of competition in the market.

What’s more, even if you are popular now, that popularity may fade away in the future as new artists arise and market trends change. Signing a contract with a record label, however, provides stability. These companies tend to provide long-term contracts that secure a consistent paycheck to the artist.

In addition, the record labels have an incentive to profit from your work, which is why they want you to be a successful investment. They are likely, therefore, to closely follow market trends and hire songwriters and assistants to help you create the music that is going to make you a star.

Junior WSD辩题解析|秋季备赛时间余额还剩一个月!

The final motion of the tournament is “THR the glorification of ‘personal choice’ in modern media.”

Let us first define what this motion is about. In popular culture, from movies to TV shows to online influencers, we are told that individuals have the right to decide what to do with their lives. For example, stories about breaking free from oppressive societal norms are becoming increasingly popular. Why is this regrettable?

Proposition 正方

Proposition would say that this makes people selfish. Humans already have a biological predisposition to prioritize themselves over others as a survival mechanism. This is bad as our actions can negatively affect the people around us.

If a man becomes an alcoholic, this harms his family who has to see him come drunk late at night and scream at them. If a wife leaves her husband for a richer and more handsome partner, this is a harm to the children of the family who now have to deal with a broken home.

Proposition should prove that the social duties we have to others are more important than the pursuit of our individual happiness and, in fact, that perhaps the true path to happiness is to sacrifice oneself for the good of others

Opposition 反方

Opposition, however, should frame society as oppressive. Individuals do not choose the kind of culture they are born into and often times the roles and obligations imposed on them do not align with their preferences. This makes them depressed and resentful of the community around them, which also makes them less productive.
On the other hand, if you allow people to freely make their own choices, they can do what makes them happy. The way to weigh this argument is that people have the best access to their own preferences and have the greatest degree of impact on their own lives, hence if people are more self-interested, society as a whole becomes happier as everyone can do what fulfills them.

距离首场比赛还有一个月的时间 希望今天的文章可以帮助大家 找准方向,更加高效地备赛!  







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