

Consumer Psychology


Hello, we are MindUp, a non-profit high school student group whose goal is to share psychology knowledge, pay attention to teenage mental health, and hold social charity activities. 


Have you ever thought about how people can make a choice among a sea of similar products, why customers tend to choose certain brands, and what affects people’s purchasing behavior? This article may fulfill your curiosity. Consumer psychology is a subject that studies people’s mindset and behaviors in people’s consumption activities. It explores how people’s perspectives, opinions, characteristics, and social environments influence consumption.


Decoy Effect


Decoy effect occurs when while people hesitate between two similar choices, the third new choice (the decoy) makes one of the old choices more attractive.


For example, imagine we are buying a cup of coffee. A small-sized cup costs $12, and a large-sized cup costs $18. Marketers know that consumers would choose the small cup because $18 seems much more expensive than $12, so they utilize the "decoy effect" to speculate on consumers' psychology and add a  bait: a $16 medium-sized coffee. However, the sellers don’t actually expect us to buy the medium one. Rather, the medium-sized coffee exists to make consumers feel that the large-sized choice is a better deal. Without the decoy, we'd be comparing $12 and $18 coffees; but with the bait, customers would think: why don't we just buy the large-sized one? It's just two bucks more.


Birdcage Effect


The birdcage effect explains that people tend to spend more effort or resources on something they get by accident instead of throwing them away.


This effect stemmed from a bet. In 1907, psychologist James made a bet with his friend Carlson that he will soon make Carlson start keeping a bird. Carlson did not take James’ words seriously because he was not interested in birds. A few days later, James sent Carlson a delicate birdcage as a birthday present. At that moment, Carlson still firmly believed that he would not have a bird as a pet even if he has had a birdcage. But since then, Carlson’s every guest who saw the empty birdcage would ask, “Professor Carlson, when did your bird pass away?” Carlson had no choice but to explain repeatedly, “I have never had a bird”, which was always accompanied by guests’ confused and distrustful faces. Ultimately, he had enough of repeating the explanation and bought a bird to make sense of the birdcage.






Cast your mind back:

Have you frequently bought flowers for a vase?

Have you purchased a set of clothes to wear with a pair of shoes?

Have you ordered excessive takeouts after gaining coupons?

These behaviors were affected by birdcage effect.


Diminishing  Marginal Utility


The law of diminishing marginal utility says that the marginal utility from each additional unit declines as consumption increases, although the total utility increases. The price that consumers are willing to pay for the product would also decrease, and sellers need to increase consumption by marketing.


For example, most people can only eat one ice cream at one time. In order to increase consumption, marketers would sell the second ice cream at half of the original price to encourage more consumption.






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