WSDA原创演讲备赛干货 I 深度分析全国冠军讲稿










演讲者讨论了女运动员面临的陈规定型观念,如认为她们过于柔弱、情绪化或 "娘娘腔",无法与男运动员竞争。








整篇演讲继续强调了个人遵从社会规范的压力,她举例说,当面临受伤时,人们会告诉他 "做个男子汉!要坚强!"。这种压力与追求个人理想的困难有关。









As I stand here in front of you (onstage), memories flood my mind of the countless hours I spent on the basketball court. The sweat on my forehead, the sound of the ball bouncing, and the adrenaline rush of making a clutch-play. As much as I love this sport, it’s not always a welcoming space for me and my female teammates. Too often, I’ve heard boys belittle our skills, making snide comments about how we can’t play as well as they can. It’s not just the fact that they make fun of us for pursuing our dreams, but the deep-rooted belief that women are inferior to men that really cuts me to the core. We’re told that we’re too weak, too emotional, too girly to compete with boys. But the idea that our worth as athletes is measured by our gender is not only unfair but utterly untrue, cuz we’re just as passionate, just as talented, and just as capable to succeed.  

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At the same time, as I observe the boys around me, I’ve noticed a disturbing trend: They hide their emotions. I’ve seen them struggling to hold back tears while their quivering lips betray their true feelings. And I’ve also seen the pain etched into their faces as they swallowed their hurt, believing that showing any weakness would only make them less of a man. Society has ingrained in them the false belief that being tough and emotionless is a defining factor of masculinity. But that’s not true either.

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These biased and stereotypical expectations place a damaging burden on both men and women, suffocating us with limitations that curtail our potential. And it’s about time that we challenge the traditional notions of gender roles. So today, I invite you to a journey at a stereotypical cinema. We will watch a movie that perpetuates gender stereotypes, listen to the voices present in different scenarios, and most importantly, engage in critical reflection about how we can break free from the shackle and how to build a more equitable future.


Helen邀请听众加入她的反思和反省之旅。她提出了 "刻板印象中的电影院 "这一概念,以此比喻社会规范和期望。


Let’s first delve into a typical action-packed movie. As the city crumbles under the destructive wrath of the monsters, our valiant heroes swiftly charge towards the towering beast. They brandish their weapons, don their armor, and prepare themselves for the impending battle. Now amidst the deafening clamor of clashing swords and dying villains, whose image surfaced your mind first when envisioning this almighty savior? Did you immediately turn to images of Iron Man and Captain America? Or maybe, Batman and Superman? The question is, did any female character ever made their appearance?

According to Walt Hickey, a prolific newsletter author, “females only made up around 29 percent of the DC character list and 24 percent of the Marvel roster”.

The Celluloid Ceiling report also highlights the disturbing fact that women’s employment in the film industry remains astonishingly low. Although more female characters have been gradually included, behind the stage, it hasn’t really changed much. Even up on the screen, women are depicted as more complaisant, more likely to get overexcited, and more of a team player than males. Let me be clear, being collaborative here isn’t really a compliment, but a shackle that constrains women’s potential. If we continue to allow these portrayals to prevail, viewers might believe that these depictions apply to women in general. And if the most notable, high-profile, and trendsetting industry is still sending toxic gender images like that, think about how common the gender imbalance can be in less visible sectors.

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It’s a rat race, a vicious cycle that systematically discriminates women. And we can’t afford this anymore. We can’t afford to let girls grow up believing that their worth is only tied to their appearance. We can’t afford to overlook the role that media and pop culture play in nurturing gender stereotypes. Just like we can’t afford to let patriarchal structures go unchallenged, as they perpetuate inequality and injustice.

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Let us momentarily shift our focus away from the world of movies and look at our everyday lives. Close your eyes and recall a time when you were emotionally wounded.

Did you feel a sense of despondency for days?

Were tears streaming down your face uncontrollably?

Did you long to cry but resist the urge for fear of being ridiculed?

I have a friend who could relate to this all too well. It was during a school basketball game, where my friend’s team was losing by a landslide of 20 points. His body was tired, his spirit broken, but he was determined not to give up. As the game reached its climax, my friend felt like he was reaching his breaking point. The urge to cry and let out his pent-up emotions had been gnawing away at him, but he felt trapped. Trapped by the long-standing expectations that dictate that men must always be tough and invincible. The pressure presses down on his chest, choking him.

Then, in a flash of heat and anger, an opponent fouled him, and all broke loose. The tension that had been simmering inside my friend erupted like a volcano, spewing forth a burst of uncontrollable fury. He violently punched the opponent player and violently cried in the locker room after being expelled.

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The prevalent notion among men that they should refrain from shedding tears or exhibiting emotions runs deep. It is as if they are forbidden to be fragile, leading to a loss of control over their feelings and an eruption of rage on many occasions. This toxic suppression creates an emotional vacuum that cripples mental well-being, resulting in an alarming 76% of male suicides in 2014, as per the UK Office of National Statistics. The stigma attached to public emotional expression is damaging and leads to ridicule and negative feedback, causing severe harm to one's psyche.

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Consider the scenario where you have suffered a serious injury, like a broken arm or a twisted ankle, and instead of receiving empathy and care, you are told to "Be a man! Tough it out!" Pretty ridiculous, isn’t it? The relentless pressure to conform to societal norms often crushes people’s confidence, making it all the more challenging to pursue their aspirations.

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As the credits rolled, a gnawing question plagued your mind: why do men keep a tight lid on their emotions? Why do they shy away from seeking counsel? And why are strong, independent women viewed with disdain? These queries echo across the globe, resounding incessantly. Yet the answer lies within the very fabric of our moral upbringing, particularly in the realm of character development. If we truly desire to shatter gender stereotypes, we must prioritize cultivating respect for each individual's DCR: dreams, choices, and rights. From the time we set foot in the classroom, we harbor aspirations for our future selves. Our dreams become a definitive part of who we are and we alone reserve the right to shape our identity. Abiding by the fundamental principles of human rights, no one should be granted the authority to impose their limitations on our destiny. Let us not forget our own aspirations and how it would feel to have them quashed by someone else’s limitations. Henceforth, let us accord the same level of respect to everyone we encounter, transcending societal prejudices and backing each other’s dreams.

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Ladies and gentlemen, we all know too well the limitations and barriers that gender stereotypes place upon us. Just like what Lois Wyse describes, “Men are taught to apologize for their weaknesses, and women for their strengths.” But fear not, for we possess a limitless arsenal of determination to break through those oppressive walls. For generations, we have fought valiantly against it. Though it still stands tall, we hold within us the unshakable belief that it will one day fall. And you, my friends, can be a crucial part of this movement. Join us, shatter these stereotypes, and envision a future where cinemas that people go to watch movies are no longer known as “The Stereo Studios”. Thank you.

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她引用了 Lois Wyse 的一段话“Men are taught to apologize for their weaknesses, and women for their strengths.“来强化这一信息。


老师 · 写在最后

Helen原创演讲的整合度非常高,希望通过这次分析, 大家可以对一个优秀的原创演讲稿子有更深层次的理解和概念。



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