第1题How many positive integers can fill the blank in the sentence below? “One positive integer is ___ more than twice another, and the sum of the two numbers is 28.” 有多少个正整数可以填在下面句子的横线上? “一个正整数是另一个正整数的2倍加上_____,并且这两个数的和是28”。
请选择你认为正确的选项:A. 6B. 7C. 8D. 9E. 10
第2题In how many ways can the letters in BEEKEEPER be rearranged so that two or more Es do not appear together? 将 BEEKEEPER 中的字母重新排列,且两个及以上的E不会连排在一起,共有多少种排列方式?
请选择你认为正确的选项:A. 1 B. 4C. 12D. 24E. 120
第3题Laszlo went online to shop for black pepper and found thirty different black pepper options varying in weight and price, shown in the scatter plot below. In ounces, what is the weight of the pepper that offers the lowest price per ounce? Laszlo在网上选购黑胡椒,发现有三十种不同的黑胡椒,重量和价格不尽相同,如下面的散点图所示。问每盎司价格最低的那种胡椒的重量是多少盎司?
请选择你认为正确的选项:A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4E. 5
三道题的答案分别是:D, D, C