
在上一篇中,我们讨论了经济类辩题的特点和备赛要点 ,本期我们将和大家聊聊 经济类辩题中的一些常见概念 及其在秋季辩题中的运用,对政府和私人投资来说,机会成本具体指的是什么?外界效应和规模效应又会怎样影响它们的决策?下面就一起来看看吧~

今天要和辩手们分享:4 Economic Concepts You Need to Know in Economics Debates

  #1 Opportunity Cost 机会成本

Opportunity Cost refers to the potential opportunities or costs that are given up when one chooses to do something. For example, if you choose to read this article to help your fall tournament preparation, your opportunity cost would be the time you could've spent studying, playing video games, or having a nice meal.



In the Fall Tournament's topic, the opportunity cost for the government is tax revenue. The government could have used this revenue to improve public facilities and social welfare scheme, such as education and healthcare. Instead, they choose to invest in space exploration. Private companies face the same dilemma; the opportunity cost for them to invest in space exploration is the revenue they could've earned by investing or operating in other businesses.



 #2 Externality 界外效应

Externality refers to the side effects or consequences that affect other people when someone does something. For instance, flying out with your family for vacation brings you joy but also contributes to pollution and increases the greenhouse effect. This is an example of negative externality. However, externalities can also be positive, like the happiness and relaxation you gain from the vacation, helping you to focus more on your subsequent studies.


In the context of the Fall Tournament's topic, the potential externalities could be technological innovation, enhanced national status, or issues related to space debris.


 #3 Economics of scale 规模经济

Economies of scale refer to the cost advantages that enterprises experience when production becomes more efficient with increasing scale of production. The more you produce, the less each product costs on average. This is why superstores like Sam's Club can offer lower average prices than small stores. If you need to purchase raw materials, the more you buy, the more bargaining power you have, and the more discounts you might receive.


In the Fall Tournament's topic, if the government generally has more disposable resources than many private companies, this could potentially lower their R&D investment. If private companies can raise more resources, their R&D investment could be even lower.


 #4 Information Asymmetry 信息不对称

Information asymmetry is when different parties in a business transaction have unequal information. This could be so-called "trade secrets" or some internal information.


Tournament's topic, if a private company successfully develops new space exploration technologies, they are likely to patent or keep their knowledge confidential to maintain market competitiveness. This results in only them knowing how to achieve a certain technology.


Other companies or governmental agencies wanting to achieve the same technology would need to invest their resources, possibly leading to resource wastage in space exploration.








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