斯坦福SPICE公布新项目U.S.-China Co-Lab申请开放!




U.S.–China Co-Lab on Climate Solutions 中美联合实验室

- 关于气候问题的解决方案

With climate change upon us, cooperation between the U.S. and China is more urgent than ever as we work towards sustainable solutions for our planet.


SPICE announces a new, transnational, online high school program for students from the U.S. and China. We are seeking 15 students from each country, 10th through 12th graders who are intellectually curious, with a sincere desire to connect across cultures and tackle the climate crisis.


As the world’s two superpowers, biggest economies, and largest sources of carbon emissions, the United States and China must collaborate on climate solutions to ensure global sustainability. U.S.-China relations are complicated, across cultures, oceans, technological firewalls, and political tensions. The pressing need for committed and well-informed young people to delve into this vital challenge led to the launch of the U.S.–China Co-Lab on Climate Solutions, an active lab for collaborative practice engaging both Chinese and American students in one class as co-learners.


Course Introduction 课程介绍

The program will feature guest speakers from the Stanford University faculty and other world-class institutions, sharing their expertise on collaborative models and strategies; environmental impacts; clean energy and energy markets; climate justice; and other topics.


Coursework will be highly interactive and discussion-oriented, with an emphasis on small-group assignments, culminating in a collaborative project that could be implemented in the students’ own communities. The program will be conducted online, using Zoom video conferencing and the Canvas course platform. Real-time meetings will be held on Friday evenings (U.S.) / Saturday mornings (China).

课程作业将是以高频互动和讨论为导向,重点是小组合作完成作业,最终形成一个可以在学生自己的社区中有可行性的协作项目。该项目将使用 Zoom 视频会议和 Canvas 课程平台在线进行学习。实时会议将于周五晚上(美国)/周六早上(中国)举行。

The program will be co-taught by SPICE instructors Carey Moncaster and Tanya Lee, who also teach SPICE’s Stanford e-China (for students in China) and China Scholars Program (for U.S. students), respectively. For the past four years, these two programs have included a crossover collaborative project, which now provides the foundation for the U.S.–China Co-Lab on Climate Solutions.

该项目将由 SPICE 导师 Carey Moncaster 和 Tanya Lee 共同授课,他们还分别教授 SPICE 的斯坦福e-China(针对中国学生)和斯坦福China Scholars Program(针对美国学生)。在过去的四年里,这两个项目有交叉合作经历,该交叉合作项目为“中美联合实验室-关于气候问题的解决方案”项目奠定了基础。

Application requirements include a personal essay, transcript, and letter of recommendation.


In this program, students will:

在这个项目中,学生将会:Study and experience the principles and best practices of cross-cultural collaboration;

学习和体验跨文化合作的原则和最佳实践;Explore existing models for U.S.–China collaboration specifically;

探索现有的中美合作模式;Learn the fundamentals of the climate change issues facing our planet;

了解我们星球面临的气候变化问题和其中的基本原理;Assess local, bilateral, and global climate action so far;

评估迄今为止现有的区域、双边和全球气候行动;Actively imagine their own place in the future of U.S.–China relations;

积极畅想自己在未来中美关系中的位置;And gain climate co-lab experience and skills to apply toward future studies and professions.


课程大纲 Course Outline


Welcome, Orientation, Cohort Introductions

2 气候变化影响

Climate Change Impact

3 全球气候条约、非政府组织和可持续发展目标

Global Treaties, NGOs, and Sustainable Development Goals

4 中美与气候相关的国家政策与双边关系

Climate-related U.S./China National Policies and Bilateral Relations

5 跨文化交流与合作

Cross-Cultural Collaboration

6 气候相关经济与创业

Climate Economics and Entrepreneurship

7 气候相关科技发展与展望

Prospects of Climate Technology

8 中美学生关于气候问题解决方案的合作

Student Collaboration on Climate Solutions

9 学生项目展示

Project Presentations

10 课程结束和与斯坦福e-China保持长期联系

Course Conclusion and Ongoing Connections

Eligibility 申请条件

Must be a high school student in U.S. or China, grades 10 through 12. Applications from “gap year” students will also be considered.必须是美国或中国 10 至 12 年级的高中生。间隔年中的学生申请也将被考虑。

Must be able to read, write, and discuss complex ideas in English. (Chinese language ability is not required, but could be helpful.)必须能够用英语熟练参与阅读、写作和复杂想法的讨论。(中文语言能力不是必需的,但会有所帮助。)

Students should expect to devote 3–5 hours per week on average.学生平均每周应投入 3-5 个小时。

Students from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply.鼓励来自不同背景的学生申请。

Admission will becompetitive, and a high level of academic achievement is expected.录取过程竞争激烈,并且期待高学术水平的学生申请。

Course Details 课程详情

· U.S. application period: September 30 to November 15, 2023

美国申请时间:2023年9月30日 - 11月15日

· China application period: October 25 to December 10, 2023

中国申请时间:2023年10月25日 - 12月10日

· Apply online at https://spicestanford.smapply.io/.


· Final deadline to apply: November 15, 2023 (U.S. students) / December 10, 2023 (Chinese students)

申请截止时间:2023年11月15日(美国学生)/ 2023年12月10日(中国学生)

· Spring 2024 course dates (approximate): March 1 to May 31, 2024

2024年春季课程时间(预计):2024年3月1日 - 5月31日

· Tuition: $3500 USD



重磅官宣|斯坦福SPICE公布新项目U.S.-China Co-Lab,申请开放!



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