can 和be able to 写的停不下来怎么办?


其实这个句子最大的问题还不是can和be able to, 它有多处明显的错误。

1. high income employment

income是指人或公司等的收入,用来修饰收入端的对象,比如high-income individuals/ companies: 较高收入个人/公司。这里用well-paid employment才合适。这属于搭配的问题。

2.employees:是已经被雇佣的人,这里应该是找工作的人job seekers或job hunters。

3.can not: 一般写成cannot,不分开。

4.workfore market:这两个词不会连用。workforce指的是(国家或行业的)劳动力,劳动人口。年轻的求职者进入的是job market,相反,雇佣单位才是寻找workforce。

5.a large amountof people: amount不能跟people连用,应该是a large number of people。

接下来聊聊can和be able to应该怎么替换。


be capable ofdoing; have the ability to do.

例:Staff shouldbe educated so that they can giveinformed advice.

替: Staff shouldbe educated so that theyare capable ofgiving informed advice.staff是集合名词(类似于people),不加 s.

2. 意译,根据牛津词典的解释图一: can

语言专题 | can 和be able to 写的停不下来,怎么办?

例:Staff shouldbe educated so that they can giveinformed advice.

替: Staff shouldbe educated so thatit is possible for them togiveinformed advice.图二: able

语言专题 | can 和be able to 写的停不下来,怎么办?

例:Staff shouldbe educated so that they can giveinformed advice.

替: Staff shouldbe educated so that theyhave thenecessary knowledgetogiveinformed advice.

例:Alarge number of people are notable to find adecent job.

替: A large number of peopledo nothave the opportunity tofind a decent job.

3. 近义词替换

manage to do; succeed in doing; be successful in doing.

例:A large number of people are not able to find a decent job.are notable to就可以用succeed的反义词fail替换。

换: Alarge number of peoplefail tofind a decent job.

4. 去人称化

例: Alarge number of people are notable to find adecent job.

替:Findingadecent job is diffcult for a large number ofpeople.

例: People can perform everydaytasks, such asshopping,banking andbusiness transactions on the Internet.

替:Performing everyday tasks,such as shopping, banking and business transations, on the Internet is acommon activityfor people.

最后给大家推荐查询同义词好用的词典: 它会列出所查词汇的很多同义词,颜色越深表示和查询词汇的含义越接近。







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