EDEXCEL经济U2 题目预测

01‍‍、Economic growth的影响‍‍

真题例子:India’s GNI per capita was Rs 45 326 in 2010 and grew rapidly to Rs 125 089 by 2017. A study conducted by the World Health Organisation identified that nine out of the ten most polluted cities in the world are located in India. Evaluate the costs of rapid economic growth on an economy of your choice. 来自2020年January


真题例子: Between June 2020 and June 2021 the rate of inflation in the USA increased from 0.6% to 5.4%. Evaluate the costs of a high rate of inflation. Refer to a country of your choice in your answer. 来自2022年July


真题例子:In quarter 1 2019 the unemployment rate in South Africa was 27.6%. In quarter 2 it increased to 29%. An additional 455 000 workers became unemployed. Evaluate the likely impact of an increase in the unemployment rate on workers, public finances and resource utilisation. 来自2021年July 来自2019 June

04‍、Possible conflicts between macroeconomic objectives

真题例子:China’s economic growth has resulted in a significant increase in pollution within the country. It is believed that recent government legislation to lower pollution will cause China’s real GDP to increase at a slower rate. Evaluate the view that conflicts between macroeconomic objectives are inevitable. 来自2019 June

05‍、Demand side and Supply side policy

真题例子:In 2017 the rate of unemployment in South Africa was 27.7%. The Government is committed to reducing the unemployment rate by increasing spending on education and training. Evaluate the use of supply-side policies as a means of reducing unemployment. (也有大概率出现Demand side policy 的影响)

01、Economic growth的影响

真题例子:India’s GNI per capita was Rs 45 326 in 2010 and grew rapidly to Rs 125 089 by 2017. A study conducted by the World Health Organisation identified that nine out of the ten most polluted cities in the world are located in India.Evaluate the costs of rapid economic growth on an economy of your choice.

解析:EDEXCEL 经济U2 很爱问和宏观经济目标相关的考题。其中Economic growth, inflation 和unemployment 问到的频次最多。这道题问的就是关于经济增长的影响。首先我们顺着题目去说Cost of economic growth。第一个Cost 就是经济增长可能会导致贫富差距的加大。因为随着经济增长,某些行业会发展的很快(如科技行业),那么在这些行业工作的人的工资就会涨的很高。

但另外一些行业可能会被替代掉(如传统制造业的工人),这些人群将会面临Structural unemployment,从而收入大幅下降。第二个 Cost 就是经济增长可能会破坏自然环境。制造业的发展也意味着工厂的增多。虽然Aggregate supply 增加了,但相应的也产生了更多的污染第三个 Cost 我们可以结合 Diagram 去说经济增长还会带动物价的上涨。

具体可以参考下图在Evaluation的部分我们可以一一反驳我们上述所说的那些Cost第一, 经济增长也不一定会导致贫富差距扩大,我们可以参考一些高福利的北欧国家。这些国家人均GDP很高,交税交的也很多,政府税收多了也就有钱去建设医院,学校,基础设施等福利设施。同时也有足够的财政去提供很高的失业补助金,从而缩小贫富差距。第二, 经济增长不一定会导致污染。当国家有钱了,税收多了,政府就可以去实施一些干预政策(如补贴新能源企业)来减少污染。

第三, 虽然经济增长可能导致物价上涨,但只要经济增长率超过了物价上涨率,那么人们的购买力依然是增加的。总之,经济增长是一把双刃剑,既带来了优势,也伴随着一些不利因素。在积极方面,经济增长促进了就业机会的增加,提高了收入水平,改善了生活水平。然而,环境恶化、资源枯竭和污染是盲目追求经济增长的有害后果。


真题例子:Between June 2020 and June 2021 the rate of inflation in the USA increased from 0.6% to 5.4%.Evaluate the costs of a high rate of inflation. Refer to a country of your choice in your answer.

解析:题目让我们去Evaluate the costs of a high rate of inflation首先,我们知道inflation意味着市场上产品物价的上升。在工资不变的情况下老百姓的生活成本会上升,购买力下降从而导致生活水平下降。另外,inflation 还意味着不确定性,在inflation时,物价波动较大。因此企业都会变得很谨慎,不敢随意投资,因为无法计算投资回报率。而投资的下降对long term economic growth有负面作用的。

Inflation 还可能导致本国export 的竞争力下降,从而导致export revenue 减少,海外产品相对更便宜,所以import expenditure 增加。这些都有可能导致current account deficit。在Evaluation的部分我们可以说如果Inflation到底严不严重也取决于rate of inflation。如果inflation rate 不高,那么对经济的影响也不大。



真题例子:In quarter 1 2019 the unemployment rate in South Africa was 27.6%. In quarter 2 it increased to 29%. An additional 455 000 workers became unemployed.Evaluate the likely impact of an increase in the unemployment rate on workers, public finances and resource utilisation.

解析:这道题比一般的关于Unemployment 影响的题目要稍微复杂一些,因为题目让我们去分析失业对于员工,公共财政和资源利用的影响,所以我们的回答需要更有针对性。首先,失业对于Workers 的影响比较好说,一方面员工失业后收入会下降,从而导致生活水平下降。另一方面我们也可以从心里方面分析,失业会导致不自信,严重情况下甚至会导致抑郁或自杀。


EDEXCEL经济U2 题目预测

从点X到点V或从V点到W点就代表着失业率的上涨很多同学都不太会写关于Unemployment 类型题目的Evaluation。其实我们不需逼自己去说失业的优点,我们只要去说失业的影响也没那么大就好。比如虽然失业率增加了,但这只是短期,长期经济可能会减缓,失业率可能下降。

另外,虽然失业率高会导致政府在个人所得税上的税收下降,但是企业所得税不一定会减少。最后,随着时间推移,政府可能会提供一些retraining program 来帮助这些人群掌握新的技能,从而解决utilisation of resources 的问题。

04、Possible conflicts between macroeconomic objectives

真题例子:China’s economic growth has resulted in a significant increase in pollution within the country. It is believed that recent government legislation to lower pollution will cause China’s real GDP to increase at a slower rate.Evaluate the view that conflicts between macroeconomic objectives are inevitable. 

解析: 本道题让我们去讨论宏观经济目标之间的矛盾。首先我们需要告诉考官宏观经济目标包括哪些,which are经济增长,低失业,稳定的物价和平衡的balance of payment,较小的贫富差距和干净的自然环境等。然后我们可以去分别讨论各个宏观经济目标之间的矛盾。比如经济增长和自然环境之间就有矛盾,修建大量的工厂虽然能够带动GDP,但是缺点是会产生很多污染物的排放从而破坏环境。低失业和低通胀之间也有矛盾,根据Phillips curve, 我们知道一个国家是很难既有低通胀又有低失业的。

EDEXCEL经济U2 题目预测

在Evaluation的部分我们可以一一反驳我们上述说的矛盾。比如经济增长如果足够高,人均收入提升,那么政府的税收也会更多。这个时候政府就可以通过税收来发展新能源和可再生资源。 而且通胀和低失业之间的矛盾主要是短期,如果经济增长是由AS增加带动的,那么经济增长也不会带来通胀。

EDEXCEL经济U2 题目预测

05、Demand side and Supply side policy

真题例子:In 2017 the rate of unemployment in South Africa was 27.7%. The Government is committed to reducing the unemployment rate by increasing spending on education and training.Evaluate the use of supply-side policies as a means of reducing unemployment.(也有大概率出现Demand side policy 的影响)

解析:这道题是一道关于Demand side policy影响的题目。Demand side policy 和Supply side policy可以说是EDEXCEL U2最高频出现的考点。各位同学们务必要熟练掌握。

这道题首先我们要定义reflationary demand side polices包括expansionary fiscal policy and expansionary monetary policy。然后我们要去解释expansionary fiscal policy 是政府通过减税政策来刺激消费和投资,以及通过增加开支来增加Aggregate demand 并让economy脱离recession的政策。Monetary policy 是央行通过降低利率来刺激人们消费和投资从而带动AD增加的政策。这两种demand side policy 都可以让AD往右移,具体可以参考下图。

EDEXCEL经济U2 题目预测

在Evaluation的部分我们可以说虽然AD增加能带动经济增长,但是也会导致demand pull inflation 从而导致物价上涨。另外,针对expansionary fiscal policy, 可能会产生crowd out effect这样的挤出效应。而在经济很差的时候,消费信心和投资信心都很低迷,monetary policy 的降息也不一定有用。最后,这些政策都有time lag, 等政策真的实行并产生影响之时可能已经没用了。







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