加拿大总督学术奖介绍The Governor General's Academic Medal


总督奖全称总督学术奖The Governor General's Academic Medal 。



1. 奖被为学术奖,因为只看以下四个阶段的学术水平:

  • 中学阶段的铜奖;
  • 大专阶段的铜奖;
  • 本科阶段的银奖;
  • 研究生阶段的金奖

2. 和别的奖不同( 舒利克奖学金),为了维护大学的精神,该奖特作说明,只看成绩并确保该奖只给成绩优秀的学生,不考虑那些无形的学生生活方面,比如好公民,道德模范或好人气。

3. 学生所在的学校有责任每年决定获奖者。学生不能共同获一个奖。

4. 加拿大公民不是授予勋章的先决条件。


5. 符合规定的学校先申请 Chancellery of Honours. 一旦被批准,参与的机构会每年自动收到奖项说明。


1) A BRONZE 铜奖必须是在所在的学校毕业班最高分的学生;

2)平均分包括11和12年级两年的课程 ;

3) 整个学校的平等机会是该奖核心价值的体现,无论候选人选择的是什么课程,IBAP或天才班等等。所有学生在毕业时成绩达标都可以申请

4) 不包括毕业后为提高分数而修读的课程


A university must be empowered to grant degrees by its province and must belong to the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada.

1. Federated universities may only award the medal in the discipline(s) for which they have the right to grant degrees.

2 The SILVER medal is awarded to the undergraduate who achieves the highest academic standing upon graduation from a bachelor degree program. The number of silver medals awarded by each university shall be determined by its full-time equivalent (FTE) undergraduate enrolment:

  • 1 medal – under 15,000 students
  • 2 medals – 15,000 to 25,000
  • 3 medals – more than 25,000.

3 .The GOLD medal is awarded to the student who achieves the highest academic standing at the graduate level. The number of gold medals awarded by each university shall be determined by its full-time equivalent (FTE) graduate enrolment:

  • 1 medal – under 2,500 students
  • 2 medals – 2,500 to 5,000
  • 3 medals – more than 5,000.

4 .Universities awarding more than one silver and/or gold medal may use any method of determining winners that satisfies the basic criteria of academic excellence and equitability of access for the student population (e.g. one in Arts, one in Science).

5. Since the number of gold and silver medals is determined based on full-time equivalent (FTE) enrolment, all students (full-time and part-time) are eligible.





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