

01 请简要介绍一下自己

各位老师好! 很荣幸能参加这次面试。我叫xxx,来自xx省,本科就读于xx大学xx专业,硕士就读于xx大学xx专业。在校期间,我以xxx为研究课题,花了x个月时间从事该课题研究,最后以第一作者身份发表《xxx》和《xxx》x篇文章。参加科研的经历使我体会到,一名科研人员既要具备学术潜力又要有独立研究能力。此外,参加科研过程中认识了一流的学生、学者,我从中获益匪浅,也相信我能在这一领域里的研究上取得更高的成就。

Hello professors! It is an honor to participate in this interview. Myname is xxx, I come from xx province, I am studying xx major inxx university for undergraduate, and I am studying in xx major inxx university for master's degree. During school, my research topicwas xxx, I spent x months on this project, and finally published xpapers as the first author, namely "xxx" and "xxx" The process of participating in scientific research has made merealize that a researcher needs not only academic potential, but alsoindependent research ability. In addition, I have met top studentsand scholars while participating in research, which has benefitedme a lot and believes that I can reach a higher level of research inthis field.

02 为什么要读博

各位老师好! 很荣幸能参加这次面试。我叫xxx,来自xx省,本科就读于xx大学xx专业,硕士就读于xx大学xx专业。在校期间我的研究主题是xxx,我花了x个月的时间在这个项目上,最终以第一作者发表了x篇论文,分别是《xxx》、《xxx》。参与科学研究的过程让我认识到一个科研人员不仅需要学术潜力,还需要独立的研究能力。另外,在参与科研期间我结识了顶尖的学生和学者,这使我受益良多,相信自己能够在这个领域的研究达到更高水平。

During the whole period of master's study, I often tutored juniorstudents and cooperated with partners in the same group, whichmade me realize that I like to share my knowledge with others.More importantly, during the exchange and discussion with manyscholars and alumni, I developed a strong interest in the research ofxx field and participated in the research of this project. I hope toconduct more in-depth research in this field at the doctoral stageand make valuable academic contributions.  

03 为什么选择XX大学读博  



During my master's degree, I often communicated with my tutorand classmates in the research room. I learned that your school is aschool with strong comprehensive strength. In recent yearsxxThefield has createdx, xx,x,xxand other important researchachievements also set an example for all relevant scholars. At the same time, I learned thatxxThe teacher isxxI have studied inthis field for many years xx As a leading scholar in research, I hadthe honor to read about xx Of whichxx,xx And other contentsattract me very much. So I want to enter your schoolxx Under theguidance of teachers, we will study for doctors and make our owncontributions to the academic community.

04 请说说你的科研经历



During my master's degree, I participated in xx and xx And othermajor national scientific research projects x x Responsibilities.successfully completed xx Research content, which is also thedirection that my doctor wants to study. After the project iscompleted, I will xx It was published in the journal x SCI papers. In addition to scientific research projects, I also activelyparticipated in social practice xx Internship x Months as xxPosition, donexx work, gainxx. I believe that this will be of greathelp to my doctoral studies. During the internship, I found that xxThere are still many problems in my research field, so I decided tocontinue my research in the future.

05 请闸述你的研究计划

我以往的工作/实习经历发现xx方向存在xx题。我试着用xx的办法解决这类问题,但是并无良策。我认为,若上述问题得不到很好地解决,政/企还将面临xx难题,对政/企都十分不利。 关于这个问题,我事先做了很多研究,包括xx、xx、xx等,其他学者对这个问题的看法是xx。在此基础上,我打算将xx理论与自己的实践经验相结合,尝试用xx方法进行研究,从而解决xx问题,为政府/企业提供更好的帮助。

In my past work/internship experience, I found that there were xxproblems in the xx direction. I tried to solve these problems throughxx methods, but there was no good solution. I think if theseproblems are not solved, the government/enterprises will also facexx difficulties. which is very unfavorable for the governmententerprises. On this issue, I have done a lot of research in advance, including xx.xx and xx, and other scholars’ views on this issue are xx. On thisbasis, I plan to combine the xx theory with my own practicalexperience, and try to use the xx method to research, so as to solvethe xx problem and provide better help for the governmententerprises.

06 你掌握了哪些科研技能


07 在参与科研过程中你遇到了哪些困难


When doing scientific research, the biggest difficulty is that theexperiment has failed many times, and many attempts have beenmade, but each time the results have errors, so I don't know how tocarry out the next research. Finally, I sought the help of my tutor,discussed and analyzed with my seniors and sisters to find asolution, and successfully completed the experiment.

08 关于你的未来规划

我之所以攻读博士学位,是因为我发现XX为了解决这些问题,需要进一步研究,所以我打算继续投身于XX行业,将我所学的知识运用到工作中。 我坚信,研究需要回归应用,才能发挥其价值。同时,我将继续朝着这个方向进行研究和思考。在工作的同时,我将继续探索理论与实践相结合的有效途径,为社会创造更多价值。

The reason why I studied for a doctor's degree was that I found XXIn order to solve these problems, further study is needed, so I planto continue to devote myself to xx Industry, apply what I havelearned to my work. I firmly believe that research needs to return to application in orderto bring its value into play. At the same time, I will continue myresearch and thinking in this direction. While working, I willcontinue to explore effective ways to combine theory with practiceto create more value for the society.

09 介绍一下你的家乡

通常面试结束时导师都爱问这个问题,要谨记一点,也许是调节气氛吧,也许纯粹是好奇吧,无论原因如何,千万不要贬损自己的老家。 以上就是机构申请部老师整理的博士面试比较常见的问题和回答思路想要申请的小伙伴要开始着手准备啦!希望能帮助到正在申博的同学~








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