详解Basis学校奖章课程Medal Pathway Program








What is the Medal Pathway Program

The Medal Pathway Program is a set of pre-designed course selection tracks that provide our students with an exclusive opportunity to showcase their unique strengths in specific, focused fields of study: Science, Social Studies, Math, or the Arts.


Upon completion of a chosen medal pathway, students will be recognized and awarded a unique distinction at the graduation ceremony in recognition of outstanding academic excellence in the 4+ specialized courses that form the basis of their chosen pathway and build upon the BASIS core curriculum graduation requirements.



Why we implement Medal Pathway Programs

Medical Pathways are specifically designed to validate and add authority to a student’s unique interests and strengths in the college application process by highlighting for admissions officers a concerted passion for a specific subject area in high school.


For college admissions purposes, students’specialized pathways will be highlighted on official documents that are submitted as part of any college application.



How to declare a Medal Track

●Rising sophomores will declare an intended Medal Pathway as part of the course selection process that takes place at the end of March. 高一升高二(即9升10)的学生可在3月底选课的阶段申请自己想选的奖章课程

●Upon approval, students will work closely with their college counselor on all course selection in all subsequent academic years to arrange their appropriate schedule for the coming years. 在申请批准后,学生将与自己的升学指导密切讨论确定未来几年的课程选择以排出最合适的课表

●Complete 4+ specified Medal courses outside of the core curriculum graduation requirements. 除了完成贝赛思核心课程外,学生还需完成4门以上的特定课程

●Achieve no lower than a grade of (A-) in the specified Medal courses on the selected Medal Track. 学生在自己选定的奖章课程中要保持不低于A-的成绩

●Students cannot enter onto a medal track after G10. 学生在十年级以后将无法再选修奖章课程



Science Medal Track

4 courses to include a second* AP science (1stAP Science is a BASIS graduation requirement), 2 science electives, and 1 advanced course involving research.4门课程包括了第2节AP科学(第1节AP科学是贝赛思毕业要求)2节科学选修课1节包含科研的高阶课程

●2ndAP Science (must be different discipline than the 1stAP Science from the core sciences; biology, chemistry, physics) 第2节AP科学必须和第1节AP科学来自不同的核心科学学科(生物、化学、物理)

●Science Elective (AP Psychology, AP Environmental Science, Biochemistry, Astronomy, 3rdAP Science, etc.) 科学选修包括:AP心理学、AP环境科学、生物化学、天文学、第3门AP科学等等

●Senior Capstone (involves independent scientific research)高四毕业论文(包含独立科研)


Social Studies Medal Track

4 courses to include AP Human Geography and a service-learning component in 2 or more courses.4门课程包括AP人文地理2门或以上有服务学习元素的课程

●AP EconomicsAP经济

●AP Human GeographyAP人文地理

●1 additional AP in the area of social studies (AP Psychology or AP Art History)1节社科方向的AP课(AP心理学或AP艺术史)

●1 specialized Social Science Course (e.g. AP Environmental Science, AP psychology or AP Art History, etc.) 1节社会科学方向的专业课程(如AP环境科学、AP心理学或AP艺术史等)


Math Medal Track

Four courses to include AP Calculus BC and AP Statistics. 4门课包括AP微积分BCAP统计

●AP Calculus BCAP微积分BC

●AP StatisticsAP统计

●AP Computer Science AAP计算机A

●1 Specialized Math Class(e.g. Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, etc.) 1节数学专业课程(如线性代数、微分方程等)


Arts Medal Track

6 related courses + G11 outside student-driven event*+ G12 Senior Feature


详解Basis学校奖章课程Medal Pathway Program


*Students will plan and execute a one-person outside-campus art show in their junior year on their own.学生们将在高三(11年级)时独自策划执行一场一人的校外艺术展


All Arts Medal Track students will conceptualize, plan, and execute a school event in their senior year that will highlight their artistic achievements throughout high school. 所有艺术奖章课程的学生将一同在高四(12年级)构思、策划和执行一场校内展,并在展览上展示自己在整个高中的艺术成就


The Art Department Internship will be based on competitive entry to a limited number of places. Students who do not qualify based on quality of academic performance and potential, will be able to select from either a subject within the STEM field or Speech and Debate.艺术部门的实习机会名额有限。若学生的学术表现或潜力没有达到入选的标准,可从STEM领域或演讲与辩论课程中选择





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