剑桥 Re: think 写作竞赛投稿截止时间公布

今天是 2024 年 3 月 23 日距离 Re: think 截稿还有 47

今天介绍一项比较新的写作竞赛,名叫 Re: think

剑桥 Re: think 写作竞赛,截稿倒计时不到 7 周

这项写作竞赛的主办方是 Cambridge Centre for International Research (CCIR) 。CCIR 是由一群剑桥大学学生(以博士生为主)创办和运营的组织。

剑桥 Re: think 写作竞赛,截稿倒计时不到 7 周



剑桥 Re: think 写作竞赛,截稿倒计时不到 7 周


这项比赛比较新,并且论权威度也比不上剑桥大学自家的写作竞赛比赛 ,比如 Trinitiy College 举办的 Robert Walker Prize for Essays in Law 和Fitzwilliam College 举办的多学科写作竞赛。


所以,如果你看重这种比较好的以赛代练的学习体验,如果你想试着参加一项写作比赛,如果下面有一道题是你很感兴趣的,那CCIR 的这项Re: think 写作竞赛值得你了解。

这门写作竞赛面向所有14-18 岁的学生,旨在强调讨论辩论批判性分析在解决以下领域的复杂社会问题中的重要性。这项比赛今年的赛题如下:

Religion and Politics 宗教与政治赛区

剑桥 Re: think 写作竞赛,截稿倒计时不到 7 周

Why has religion remained a force in a secular world?


Political Science and Law 政治学和法律

剑桥 Re: think 写作竞赛,截稿倒计时不到 7 周

What are the arguments for and against prison abolitionism?


Linguistics 语言学

剑桥 Re: think 写作竞赛,截稿倒计时不到 7 周

In school we are taught to speak and write “properly”—but what does this mean? Does the idea of a “proper language” play a role, as some have suggested, in maintaining class distinctions and oppressing marginalized groups? If so, should we abandon the idea of linguistic “propriety”, or somehow reconceptualize it?

学校教我们要 "正确 "说和写--但这意味着什么?是否像有些人所说的那样,"正确的语言 "在维持阶级差别和压迫边缘化群体方面发挥了作用?如果是这样,我们是否应该放弃语言"得体"的观念,或者多多多少少重新去定义一下它?

Environment 环境

剑桥 Re: think 写作竞赛,截稿倒计时不到 7 周

Does the principle of ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ actually contribute to reducing global waste, or is it just a myth that distracts from the real issues of overproduction and overconsumption? Should developing countries be held to the same environmental standards as developed countries, despite their different stages of industrialization and economic needs?


Sociology and Philosophy 社会学与哲学

剑桥 Re: think 写作竞赛,截稿倒计时不到 7 周

How will AI change our understanding of beauty? How does the prevalence of AI in our lives cut across our understanding of beauty? What sorts of ethical and political consequences will this have?

AI 将如何改变我们对美的理解?AI 在我们生活中的普及如何影响我们对美的理解?这会产生什么样的伦理和政治后果?

剑桥 Re: think 写作竞赛题目解析(哲学和社会学赛区)

Business and Investment 商业与投资

剑桥 Re: think 写作竞赛,截稿倒计时不到 7 周

Do overvalued startups with unsustainable business models negatively affect competition and the overall health of the economy? Or are they rather just the regrettable, but unavoidable “bad apples” in a financial and economic system that is rational as a whole?


Public Health and Sustainability 公共卫生与可持续发展

剑桥 Re: think 写作竞赛,截稿倒计时不到 7 周

Discuss the conflict of sustainability, agriculture, and human health.


Genetics 遗传学

剑桥 Re: think 写作竞赛,截稿倒计时不到 7 周

Gene therapy is a medical approach that treats or prevents disease by correcting the underlying genetic problem. Is gene therapy better than traditional medicines? What are the pros and cons of using gene therapy as a medicine? Is gene therapy justifiable?


剑桥 Re: think 写作竞赛题目解析(遗传学赛区)

Biotechonology 生物科技学

剑桥 Re: think 写作竞赛,截稿倒计时不到 7 周

Should we move forward with vitro gametogenesis (IVG) further?

我们是否应该进一步推进体外配子发生 (IVG) ?

剑桥大学 Re: think 写作竞赛题目解析(生物科技赛区)

Artificial Intelligence 人工智能

剑桥 Re: think 写作竞赛,截稿倒计时不到 7 周

Is AI-driven data mining serving us better or is it overriding our privacy?


剑桥 Re: think 写作竞赛题目解析(人工智能赛区)内容增强版

Neuroengineering 神经工程学

剑桥 Re: think 写作竞赛,截稿倒计时不到 7 周

Will we become superhuman and immortal – and do we want to?

我们会成为超人和长生不老吗?- 这些真的是我们想要的吗?



2024 年 5 月 10 日


2024 年 6 月 25 日


2024 年 7 月 30 日


不超过 2,000 字,以 PDF 格式提交,提交时行距设置为 1.5,引用格式为MLA 8。


Shortlisted:参赛者的 10% 【获奖证书】

金奖-10 名【奖学金(150 美元现金奖 + 500 美元组委会奖学金)+ 证书 + 受邀录制官方播客与采访】

银奖-10 名【奖学金(100 美元现金奖 + 300 美元组委会奖学金)+ 证书 + 受邀录制官方播客与采访】

铜奖-10 名【奖学金(50 美元现金奖 + 200 美元组委会奖学金)+ 证书 + 受邀录制官方播客与采访】

⭐⭐⭐同时,还设置了三个特别奖项,奖项与金奖相当,以亚里士多德在《修辞学》中对三种基本说服模式的经典区分命名(也是我们 AWS 分析文写作课中重点教授大家的三种 Rhetorical Appeals):

· The Logos Prize for Best Argument - 1 名· The Pathos Prize for Best Writing - 1 名· The Ethos Prize for Best Research - 1 名





虽然题目有涉及对 AI 的讨论,但是大赛是严格禁用任何 AI 工具进行辅助写作,一经发现将被取消参赛资格。







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