- The Pixie were electric blue and about eight inches high, with pointed faces. They are able to fly and enjoys lifting people up by their ears and depositing them on the tops of trees and buildings, showing incredible strength for creatures of their tiny size. It can also steal things. Pixies can only communicate with other pixies; their voices are described as "so shrill it was like listening to a lot of arguing budgies".
- The Mooncalf has smooth, pale grey skin, and four spindly legs that end in large flat webbed feet. The Mooncalf also has a very long neck and bulging blue eyes that sit on the top of its head.Once the Mooncalf is in the moonlight, it performs complicated dance moves while standing on its hind legs. It is believed that this is part of the Mooncalf mating ritual, but also has the side effect of creating geometric patterns in wheat fields that confuse Muggles.
- The Fwooper was a magical African bird with brightly-colored feathers, which could include orange, pink, lime green and yellow.Listening to the Fwooper‘s high pitched, twittering song would drive the listener insane, so each bird must be sold with a Silencing Charm placed on it. The Charm had to be reinforced monthly, and a license was required to own one of the birds.
- The Leprechaun, sometimes known as the Clauricorn, is a mischievous magical beast, although it is not malicious. They have a reputation as pranksters but have never inflicted lasting damage on a Human.Green in color, the Leprechaun reaches a height of around six inches, and normally wear clothing made out of leaves. Leprechauns main diet consists of vegetation, primarily leaves.
- They possessed diminutive intelligence and lived mainly in woodlands or glades.The fairy was a vain creature and would often allow itself to be used as decoration by wizardkind. Due to their vanity, fairies were almost constantly grooming themselves. They possessed a weak brand of magic that allowed it to evade its predators such as the Augurey.
- A Chimaera was a type of hybrid animal and a violent magical beast native to Greece.The Chimaera was a vicious, bloodthirsty beast with a lion‘s head, a goat’s body and a tail of snake. Because of their ferocity, Chimaeras were classified by the Ministry of Magic as XXXXX (extremely dangerous and lethal), and their eggs were classified as Class A Non-Tradeable Materials.
上一期我们讲到,对于哈利波特中的这些魔法生物,魔法部都会根据其形态和智力分为 Being,Beast,Spirit 三种。
但是其实,对于这些魔法生物,魔法部还有相应的另一种分类。不知道大家还记不记得我们上期的课堂中讲到过 Thestral(夜骐)这种生物。
我曾经说道它被分为 XXXX 级生物,而这里的 XXXX 则是魔法部针对这些生物的危险程度进行的另一种分类。
(domesticated 这个单词要注意和 domestic,国内的,区分开来。虽然是同一个词根,但是意思不一样。)
第四级生物(XXXX):非常危险的生物,只有魔法生物专门人员(Specialist)以及 Hagrid 能够处理。
( Hagrid 被专门分出一类,可见其在魔法生物这一领域的能力是值得肯定的。)
( Acromantula 算是一个比较特例的生物,因为它们的头领和 Hagrid 关系很好,不会轻易攻击人类。)
学习完分类,我们就接着上期的内容,给大家继续介绍剩下的 Beast 分类当中,L老师认为有意思的魔法生物吧。
1、Pixie (调皮捣蛋的小精灵)音标:[ˈpɪksi]
P.S 每次看到这个生物,L老师都要提醒一次,各位语文成绩不错的同学不要试着用拼音去读他的名字,不然总感觉哪里不对劲 XD。
The Pixie were electric blue and about eight inches high, with pointed faces. They are able to fly and enjoys lifting people up by their ears and depositing them on the tops of trees and buildings, showing incredible strength for creatures of their tiny size. It can also steal things. Pixies can only communicate with other pixies; their voices are described as "so shrill it was like listening to a lot of arguing budgies".
Pixie 是一种铁蓝色的(Electric Blue),大概八英寸(大致 20 cm )高的尖脸生物。如同自然界中的蚂蚁一样,Pixie 有着与自己身体不相符的力量。Pixie 作为形容词的时候指调皮捣蛋的,也正如其名,Pixie 非常喜欢恶作剧。凭借着惊人的力量,这些 Pixie 经常会抓着人类的耳朵把他们提到空中,然后把他们挂(depositing)在一个很高的建筑或者树上。
Pixie 之间可以互相听懂对方的语言,但是对于人类来说,他们的语言更像是一种嗡嗡声。在电影《哈利波特与密室》中,Professor Lockhart 为了展现自己的实力(虽然他根本没有),将一笼子 Pixie 带到了黑魔法防御课堂上。
在释放出这群小妖精之后,却发现自己根本无法将它们抓回,并且引起了相当大的混乱。这场混乱中最大的受害者便是 Nevile Longbutton 了,他也因此说出了专属于他的这么一句经典台词,Why is it always me ?
(Nevile 在系列小说电影中永远都是那个无辜受害者,似乎只要有他出现就有笑点。然而,尽管经常被捉弄,看上去畏畏缩缩,却在最后的魔法战争中获得了格兰芬多之剑的青睐。)
P.S 这个中文名字大家不要在意,因为L老师也不知道他具体叫什么,只知道他的名字 Mooncalf 是由月亮和牛犊(calf)组合而来。
Mooncalf 这个词还可以指白痴,懒散的人。
The Mooncalf has smooth, pale grey skin, and four spindly legs that end in large flat webbed feet. The Mooncalf also has a very long neck and bulging blue eyes that sit on the top of its head.Once the Mooncalf is in the moonlight, it performs complicated dance moves while standing on its hind legs. It is believed that this is part of the Mooncalf mating ritual, but also has the side effect of creating geometric patterns in wheat fields that confuse Muggles.
Mooncalf 是一种有着灰白色皮肤,四只小短腿(spindly legs)以及蹼状脚掌的生物。他们的脑袋上有着像青蛙一样凸出来(bulging)的蓝色眼睛。Mooncalf 一般住在麦田里,只会在午夜时分从自己的洞穴中出来。有时候他们会后脚着地,前脚离地,以一种非常奇特的方式跳舞。据说这种舞蹈是属于 Mooncalf 的一种求偶仪式(mating ritual)。
但是,他们的这种行为经常会在麦田里留下一些几何形状,被麻瓜们误解。相信很多同学应该都有听过麦田怪圈(Crop Formation)事件。历史上发生过的次数不少,有人认为是外星人,有人认为是地球磁场,也有人直接站出来承认是自己干的,想要一举成名。但是L老师认为,说不定这些麻瓜们都不知道,其实真正的始作俑者就是这些可爱的 Mooncalf。
The Fwooper was a magical African bird with brightly-colored feathers, which could include orange, pink, lime green and yellow.Listening to the Fwooper‘s high pitched, twittering song would drive the listener insane, so each bird must be sold with a Silencing Charm placed on it. The Charm had to be reinforced monthly, and a license was required to own one of the birds.
Fwooper(恶婆鸟)是一种原产自非洲的鸟类。他们的羽毛非常鲜艳,一般有橙色,粉色,石灰绿(lime green)以及黄色。
Fwooper(恶婆鸟)最为出名的便是它的高音尖叫。它的叫声能够直接让听到的人疯狂,(insane,这里倒是和我们之前讲过的 Siren 有点像。)所以在贩卖时,商家需要为每一只 Fwooper 都施加沉默咒(Silencing Charm)。因为咒语的力量会随时间减弱,每个月都要重新(reinforce 增强)对 Fwooper 施咒。因此,贩卖和饲养者都需要持有相关的证件。
4、Leprechaun (爱尔兰小矮妖)音标:[ˈleprəkɔːn]
The Leprechaun, sometimes known as the Clauricorn, is a mischievous magical beast, although it is not malicious. They have a reputation as pranksters but have never inflicted lasting damage on a Human.Green in color, the Leprechaun reaches a height of around six inches, and normally wear clothing made out of leaves. Leprechauns main diet consists of vegetation, primarily leaves.
Leprechaun(爱尔兰小矮妖)也叫 Clauricorn ,是一种淘气的(mischievous,爱恶作剧的)喜欢穿着由绿叶制成衣服的神奇生物。他们本身其实对人类并没有什么恶意的(malicious,mal 为词缀的单词一般都是指不好的,或者恶意的。),但是恶作剧实在是他们的天性(prankster 爱恶作剧的人)。
他们热爱恶作剧,但是从来不会给人类带来(inflict 招致)永久持续性伤害。Leprechaun 出现在电影《哈利波特与火焰杯》当中的魁地奇世界杯上。魁地奇世界杯的决赛的两只队伍分别是爱尔兰队和保加利亚队,而 Leprechaun 就是爱尔兰队的吉祥物(mascot),伴随着球队的队员们一起出场。小说中提到,Harry 和 Ron 都是爱尔兰队的球迷,因此他们一起去了爱尔兰球队的临时营地。球队的营地也如同 Leprechaun 一样,全部由绿叶覆盖组成。
They possessed diminutive intelligence and lived mainly in woodlands or glades.The fairy was a vain creature and would often allow itself to be used as decoration by wizardkind. Due to their vanity, fairies were almost constantly grooming themselves. They possessed a weak brand of magic that allowed it to evade its predators such as the Augurey.
和我们在灰姑娘当中看到的那些 Fairy(小妖精)们不一样,魔法世界中的 Fairy(小妖精)并不像我们想象中的那么美好。它们的智商非常低(dimunutive 极小的,微小的),居住在森林中的空地(glade 林中空地)。
Fairy 们都是虚荣的(vain)生物,他们愿意被巫师们用作装饰,彰显他们自己的美丽。也正是因为他们的虚荣心,他们几乎无时不刻都在打扮(groom)自己。他们的魔力也相当微弱,仅仅只能够帮助妖精们逃离自己的天敌(predators),Augurey。
(Augurey 也属于 Beast 当中的一种,但是L老师觉得他们除了捕食妖精以外没什么特别之处;硬要说的话可能就就是他们的别称,被称为爱尔兰凤凰,虽然他跟凤凰相比,除了都是鸟以外没有半毛钱关系)。
P.S 因为关于奇美拉有太多不同的版本了,我只能放个和介绍中比较相似的图片。
A Chimaera was a type of hybrid animal and a violent magical beast native to Greece.The Chimaera was a vicious, bloodthirsty beast with a lion‘s head, a goat’s body and a tail of snake. Because of their ferocity, Chimaeras were classified by the Ministry of Magic as XXXXX (extremely dangerous and lethal), and their eggs were classified as Class A Non-Tradeable Materials.
Chimaera(奇美拉)算是一种大家比较熟悉的魔法生物了,因为在各种各样的游戏中都有他的身影。奇美拉是一种杂交生物,来自希腊神话。(据《神谱》记载,奇美拉是大地女神 Gaia 和炼狱之神 Tartarus 的孩子)奇美拉有着狮子的头,羊的身体以及一条蛇作为尾巴(很多版本中奇美拉身上长着这三种动物的头颅)。他们非常的凶猛(ferocity)以及嗜血(bloodthirsty)。因此,奇美拉被魔法部定义为危险程度最高(XXXXX)的生物,并且他们产的卵也被分为极度稀有不可交易类材料。讲到这里,L老师就差不多把 Beast 分类中比较有趣的生物给讲完了,下一期就会开始讲魔法生物的下一个分类,Being。