
同学们好~ 在IHBB和NHBB比赛中,历史人物属于非常高频的考查内容,不仅有著名的统治者、军事人物,也会有科学家、艺术家、乃至体育人物等,往期推送中也有相关的专题。上周我们总结了一些美国史中的人物,今天就让我们继续深入这个主题,一起来了解更多有关世界近现代政治人物的题目吧!

Q1. 克瓦米·恩克鲁玛 (加纳)

This man left the UGCC to form the Convention People Party, whose logo was a red chicken with the slogan “forward ever, backwards never.” This man addressed the House of Commons in the 1953 “Motion of Destiny” speech to ask for greater autonomy. He served as the African leader of the Non-Aligned Movement after the Gold Coast colony became independent. For the point, name this first president of Ghana.

参考答案: Kwame Nkrumah

Q2. 阿道夫·艾希曼 (德国)

This man used the alias Ricardo Clement which was compromised after he gave his wife flowers on her birthday. This man was described as the “banality of evil” while awaiting trial, which resulted in the last death sentence given by the host country. At the Wannsee Conference, this man tabled the “Final Solution.” For the point, name this organizer of the Holocaust who was put on trial in Jerusalem.

参考答案: Adolf Eichmann

Q3. 威廉·尤尔特·格莱斯顿 (英国)

This man ran the world’s first political campaign in Midlothian. After his failure to respond to the Sudan crisis, this man was nicknamed the “M.O.G,” or “Murderer of Gordon” in a play around his usual nickname “Grand Old Man.” Though this man attempted to work with Charles Parnell, his Second Irish Home Rule bill was shot down in 1893. For the point, name this Liberal rival of Benjamin Disraeli.

参考答案: William Ewart Gladstone

Q4. 罗伯特·皮尔 (英国)

This man sparked the Bedchamber Crisis when he attempted to remove Whig members from the entourage of Queen Victoria. The Tamworth Manifesto that this man issued laid the groundwork of the Conservative Party. His other achievements include responding to the Irish Potato Famine. For the point, name this British Prime Minister who founded the London police and repealed the Corn Laws.

参考答案: Robert Peel

Q5. 热图利奥·多内列斯·瓦加斯 (巴西)

This man suppressed the fascist movement of Integralism and curbed the power of Minas Gerais’ gentry to end the era of coffee with milk politics. Before shooting himself with a Colt revolver in 1954, this man had created Vale to nationalize the mining industry and Petrobras for the petroleum industry. For the point, name this Brazilian dictator who reigned for two decades after taking power in 1930.

参考答案: Getulio Vargas








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