Junior WSD比赛POI环节中如何有效提问?

POI (Points of Information) 作为Junior WSD比赛中特别且重要的环节,给选手们提供了正面交锋的机会。之前的干货里我们为大家介绍了POI的基本规则和如何进行POI提问。如何提出好的观点固然重要 但知道如何回应同样重要!

今天我们继续有请 资深教练Robert Raos 为大家带来Junior WSD备赛干货: How to respond to Points of information (POI)

Robert Raos



曾获多项国际辩论赛事冠军,包括Oxford IV 2023 Champion, Cambridge IV 2023 Champion, Vietnam WUDC 2024 Open Semifinalist等。

Points of information (POI) 是Junior WSD比赛中的重要组成部分。它们让发言者在演讲中以一种动态的方式相互交流。知道如何提出好的观点固然重要,但知道如何回应同样重要。本文将提供一些技巧和窍门,帮助选手们在应对Points of information时脱颖而出。

Points of information are an important part of debating. They allow speakers to interact with each other in a dynamic way during speeches. While it is important to know how to ask a good point, it equally as important to know how to respond to it. This article will give you tips and tricks to help you come out on top when receiving points of information.

#1、Attentive Listening



The first skill you should develop is attentive listening. Allow the speaker to finish his or her point without interrupting. Do not panic and take your time to understand what they are trying to say. If you need time to digest the point, do not be afraid to take a 2-or-3-second pause after the POI is asked to formulate your answer. Rushing to answer the POI as fast as possible may result in a weak response.
While it is typically considered rude to interrupt a speaker while they are asking their POI, if they are speaking for longer than 15 seconds, you are allowed to cut them off and begin your answer.

#2、Ways to respond to POIs


There are multiple ways to respond to a point of information.
If the content you are about to deliver in a future argument deals with the question asked, you should say that the analysis in an upcoming argument will answer the question. Similarly, if you already provided the answer to the question in a previous argument, you should remind the speaker that your previous analysis already dealt with the point. In debates, you should always strive to save time, and judges will track if your response to the POI is integrated in a previous or upcoming piece of material.


Otherwise, it is best to directly respond to the point. If you attempt to dodge the question, either by ignoring it or giving a dishonest answer, this will come across as you not being prepared to answer the point. That is why the best way to respond to a point is to directly rebut the attack your opponent is launching at you.
However, if you cannot think of a direct response, there are other ways to deal with the point. For example, you can agree with the point the enemy is making, but say the example is not relevant to your central argument, then explain why the point is irrelevant. Often, POIs will attack a specific example or a technicality in your case that is not a requirement for your end impact to work.



Finally, if you cannot think of a single good response to the POI, you may opt for one of the following responses.
If the POI completely destroys your case, say that your partner will respond to the POI in a future speech, so that your team has extra time to come up with a satisfactory response. On the other hand, if the POI destroys only part of your case, it may be strategic to concede that point, then outweigh it. You may say, “sure, that only attacks a part of our case, but here is why the rest of our case is still winning the debate.” Just like in a war, it is not necessary to win every single battle in a debate. As long as you provide the weighing as to why the rest of your case is more important than the part of the case that was attacked, you should still win the debate.



In conclusion, there are many ways to respond to a point. The most important thing is to stay focused and to listen carefully. You can always come up with a strategy to undermine a point as long as you remain creative and alert.

应对POI的方法有很多 但最重要的是保持专注、认真倾听 只要你保持创造力和警觉性 总能想出一个策略来削弱对方的观点   期待大家在赛场上的精彩表现!







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