
上次我们讨论了新SAT是通过选择题来考察考生的写作能力,我们也看了两道典型的真题,是如何通过facts and data的论据来支持观点的。那么我们今天继续看看另一类常见的SAT写作考题,就是如何从已有的材料信息中,选取合适的能证明自己观点的example或facts。这里说的“合适”,不仅仅是逻辑上对论点有帮助,也是要符合论点的侧重点。

在我们平时的学术写作当中,当我们已经有了一个初步的论点,也就是一个thesis draft之后,我们就需要根据这个论点来搜寻能证明其的各种论据。论据的种类我们上次提了,有facts and data, examples, expert opinions等几类,但不管是哪一类,我们不可能,也不应该把搜寻到的任何相关信息都放到自己的文章里,而是要予以筛选,选取真正能支持自己论点的信息;不相关的,或者不太重要的,就要学会舍弃。怎么筛选?这就是SAT常常考察的内容。


In the mountains of Brazil, Barbacenia tomentosa and Barbacenia macrantha—two plants in the Velloziaceae family—establish themselves on soilless, nutrient-poor patches of quartzite rock. Plant ecologists Anna Abrahão and Patricia de Britto Costa used microscopic analysis to determine that the roots of B. tomentosa and B. macrantha, which grow directly into the quartzite, have clusters of fine hairs near the root tip; further analysis indicated that these hairs secrete both malic and citric acids. The researchers hypothesize that the plants depend on dissolving underlying rock with these acids, as the process not only creates channels for continued growth but also releases phosphates that provide the vital nutrient phosphorus.

Which finding, if true, would most directly support the researchers’ hypothesis?

A) Other species in the Velloziaceae family are found in terrains with more soil but have root structures similar to those of B. tomentosa and B. macrantha.

B) Though B. tomentosa and B. macrantha both secrete citric and malic acids, each species produces the acids in different proportions.

C) The roots of B. tomentosa and B. macrantha carve new entry points into rocks even when cracks in the surface are readily available.

D) B. tomentosa and B. macrantha thrive even when transferred to the surfaces of rocks that do not contain phosphates.

不少同学碰到这类大量生词的题目,首先就脑大了,但很多时候我们并不需要知道一些生词的具体含义,譬如这里的两个植物学名,出题的College Board知道考生们不知道这两个单词,他们也没期望考生们能认识这两种植物,因为这并不影响做题思路。所以同学们碰到生词不用紧张,很多时候这些生词都是不影响做题的,我们这里只需要知道,这两种植物的根部会分泌酸液,科学家们的观点认为,这些酸液的作用是溶解石头,这样即可以提供根部生长空间,也可以产生需要的一种养分phosphates(同样,这里的phosphates是磷酸盐,指植物需要的磷肥,但我们不需要知道这个单词什么意思)那么哪个选项能最好地支持这个观点呢?






While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

  • African American women played prominent roles in the Civil Rights Movement, including at the famous 1963 March on Washington.

  • Civil rights activist Anna Hedgeman, one of the march’s organizers, was a political adviser who had worked for President Truman.

  • Civil rights activist Daisy Bates was a well-known journalist and advocate for school desegregation.

  • Hedgeman worked behind the scenes to make sure a woman was included in the lineup of speakers at the march.

  • Bates was the sole woman to speak, delivering a brief but memorable address to the cheering crowd.

The student wants to compare the two women’s contributions to the March on Washington. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

A) Hedgeman and Bates contributed to the march in different ways; Bates, for example, delivered a brief but memorable address.

B) Hedgeman worked in politics and helped organize the march, while Bates was a journalist and school desegregation advocate.

C) Although Hedgeman worked behind the scenes to make sure a woman speaker was included, Bates was the sole woman to speak at the march.

D) Many African American women, including Bates and Hedgeman, fought for civil rights, but only one spoke at the march.

这一题中给我们提供了很多关于这两人的信息,这就好像我们平时写作一样,找到了很多相关的信息,一一都列出来以供筛选。那么我们这里的目的是什么?这点很重要,题目说了,是为了比较两位女性在Washington March的贡献注意,这里说的是对March的贡献,所以那些不相关的信息,就不是我们关心的,在写作中就是不重要的信息。


选项B虽然两人都描述了,并进行了比较,但它比较的是两人对Washington March的贡献吗?并不是,它比较的是两人的职业背景。所以它也不符合我们的目的,是不重要的信息。

只有选项C,各自描述两人对于Washington March不同的贡献,进行了比较。它从列出来的所有信息中,选取并总结出了符合我们目的的那些信息。








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