


今年夏天,这位世界冠军将坐镇Junior WSD营地,今天就让我们一起来了解一下他辩论的精彩经历,以及对于辩论教学的真知灼见。

教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧


“I just love ideas.”



直到现在,Robert依旧保持着阅读哲学书籍的习惯和爱好:“琢磨各种哲学命题真的是一件非常有趣的事情,尤其是当这些理论框架和基本概念和各种辩题联系起来的时候,你会更容易看到背后深层次的联系,面对各种论点的时候,也能够更容易地区分孰轻孰重(why arguments matter)。”

教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧




教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧



教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧


教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧





教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧

当我们问到面对如此优秀的上院如何才能取胜时, “这时候你只要试着去做得更好。” Robert狡黠一笑,继续说到,“关于如何做一个优秀的下院辩手足够我们开一期讲座了(笑)。但简而言之,下院应该专注发现上院case的漏洞,并努力让整个论证变得更强,或者有更广泛的适用性;或者用一个全新的case去做一个更好的证明。那场比赛中我们采用了上院的case,但是更加深入地解释了其中的机制,让它能够适用于更广泛的群体。”

教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧




决赛时的辩题关于宗教, “很多年以来我脑子里一直有一个关于类似问题的机制,我一遍一遍地把它想了很久,但是一直没有碰到适合的辩题去打。那一场比赛恰好就是最适合它的,这种感觉真的很奇妙。”

教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧


然而, 优秀如Robert,也曾在辩论的道路上遭遇过宿命般的短板:



教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧


“Passion.Passion trumps everthing.”

教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧


教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧


教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧

I think i'm a combination of both. I don't think you can really succeed at anything unless you do have some sort of an affinity for it. But then again, having an affinity for something is not enough because plenty of people have an affinity for all sorts of activities. But if you don't consistently train, you're going to be outcompeted by people who have an affinity for the thing and work hard – you need to have a combination of both in order to succeed.

教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧



I don't really try to think of experiences necessarily. I just think about elements of debating, like rebuttal, like analysis, like weighing. And subconsciously i'm translating all of the experience I have in all of the debates, but the way my mind works is that I just focus on ideas, so I don't focus on experiences as much. I just take away the ideas from each experience and then hopefully this makes me more knowledgeable about how to prove mechanisms. Each student has unique problems, each student has unique goals, and they don't necessarily have the exact same ambitions or problems that I do. So I just try to focus on their specific situation and give them the best debating tips possible. I don't fixate on my own experiences and on how I did something. Each debate is different and each debater requires a different type of coaching. For example, a student might be talented at rebuttal but lack the discipline to structure speeches well. Such a student would require very different coaching from a student who doesn't know how to rebut efficiently. The former would need to practice delivery, the latter would need to work on logical analysis.

教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧


但中国学生更有纪律,甚至更有野心。我们那 15 岁年轻人大多想着自己又喜欢上谁了,在中国,学生真正关注的是学术成就,比如在比赛中表现出色或取得好成绩。所以中国学生很有竞争力,也很努力,我非常尊重他们。

Chinese students are exceptionally hard working. I come from a country that's a lot more relaxed in terms of how much people work. People don't have a hard-working mentality in my country which I think has some advantages. For example, in my country people really enjoy their time off and because of that have a very relaxed view of life and are focused on enjoying life more than they focus on working.
What I respect about Chinese students a lot is that they have discipline that the people from my country don't and maybe even an ambition that students from my country don't. Whereas 15-year-olds in my country mostly think about partying or who is their crush, in China students are really focused on certain academic achievements like being good at the competition or doing well in school. So chinese students are quite competitive and quite hard working and I respect that.

教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧


教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧

I think that's good. I think debating is an activity that's very helpful because you have to learn all sorts of different skills. To be a good debater, you have to be a good thinker, you have to be a good communicator, you have to have teamwork skills, you have to have good language skills. These are all different skills. And the good thing about debating is that students get to practice all of those. So you very much welcome younger students practicing debating.

教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧

我觉得8岁左右开始也许是一个不错的时间。因为大部分孩子在这个时候学生知道 1、如何表达有意义的句子,并且足够清晰,可以做演讲。在这个基础上,2、意味着也学生初步懂得了逻辑,他们的大脑发育更加完善,能够在用不同的条件下运用逻辑;3、他们可以真正发表自己的想法,而不是重复网上听到的观点。总之,当一个孩子在面对陌生的话题和情景时,懂得有逻辑地思考,他就能够更加条理分明地辩论。

I would say maybe 8 years old,.Because at that point, students know how to construct sentences that make sense and that are articulate enough to actually construct a speech. And students have a grasp of logic at that point, their brains have developed more, so they can employ logical reasoning in new situations, which means that the type of debating they can do is not just the type where they repeat a speech they hear online. But they can actually think logically about new topics and about new situations which just makes them able to engage in debate on a more constructive level.

教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧


Talent is important if you want to be the best at debate, but even if you don't have extreme talent, it's still very beneficial for you to learn debate and you don't need talent to learn debate.

教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧



Passion. Passion trumps everything. If someone is passionate about something they want to do, this is the most important factor, definitely passion.

I am very good at working with students who already care about the topic. If students are already really involved in debating and want to be good debaters then I am on the board with them. I can help them become the best debater they want to be.

But what I think I am the best at as a teacher is taking the students who want to learn and then taking them to the next level. That's what I think is my strength here.

Students who are passionate about the sport are willing to overcome any obstacle to win. These students typically ask me questions about advanced strategies, such as framing, so it's always fun to nerd out about every single technicality and detail about the format that the student can use to squeeze out a victory at a tournament.

教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧





Patience and communication skills. And for that, you need to understand what sort of language children are responsive to – so clear communication skills. This and patience I think are the two most important things if you want to become a debate coach with kids.

What is the difference in communication with kids and adults?

With kids you have to take into account that they don't understand complicated words, which is something debaters need to take note of because debaters use a lot of complicated words. And you have to take note of the fact that you have to break things down in more simple terms because kids’ brains aren't fully developed.

You can't start with the assumption that they know some things. You have to start from the ground up, start from the basics. This is how you approach communicating with students.

教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧

学生们通常认为,要想在Junior WSD中获胜,你需要有非常具体的统计数据和论据,但这其实不必需。在Junior WSD中,你需要做的事情是:有一个合乎逻辑的理由,能够说清楚事情的内在机制,有一整套让论点成立的逻辑链。但你不需要拿出哈佛大学的研究报告什么的来赢得辩论。

有一个好的例子会让你的论点更有说服力,这是很好的,但从根本上说,Junior WSD主要关心的还是逻辑问题。

Students often think you need to have very specific statistical evidence and very specific examples to win a debate. They believe you provide evidence for your claims, which is actually something that is not necessary. In Junior World Schools, you need to have logical reasons, you need to have mechanisms, you need to have a logic of how your argument works. You don't need to have statistical evidence. You don't need to pull out a study from Harvard University or something to win a debate.

It's nice to have. It makes your argument stronger when you have a good example, but fundamentally it's mostly about logic in Junior World School.

教练专访 | 牛津&剑桥双料冠军Robert:我用十年跨越内心恐惧




That's a really good question. These summer camps allow you to completely get immersed in the world of debating for seven consecutive days or eight or however many there are, which is different to other forms of debate practice where you only get 2 hours of debating at a time.

When you're actually at the camp, you are surrounded by other students who love debating. You're always by your coach who knows a lot about debating. You are practicing debating every single day and you're learning new things about debating every single class, which means that you get a lot more comprehensive of an experience compared to just going to debate classes once a week, because then you forget what you learn.

But when you actually are in this environment for a prolonged period of time, that's when you get to acquire knowledge. That's a lot of deeper.

This is very important because then this knowledge sticks with you for a longer time. You get to remember it even after 2 or 3 years, because it's an entire experience rather than just one class in a sea of many classes you have.







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