8月托福·海外·写作考情分析| 如何给反馈



Providing feedback to others is an important type of interaction in the workplace. Think of an employee giving feedback on a coworker's contribution to a project.Often, feedback is a mixture of positive and negative observations-praise and criticism.What do you think is the mosteffective way to provide feedback to a colleague when the feedback is mixed? Why?







10/16日老题目:Sometimes you are required to meet with another person to provide feedback about that person's work (for example, when you must give your opinions about a classmate's work on an assignment or your thoughts about a coworker's contribution to a project).

When you have both positive and negative feedback to give about a person's work, do you believe it is more effective to give the positive comments first or the negative comments first? why?


(2). 工作类场景.Providing feedback to others is an important type of interaction in the workplace. Think of an employee giving feedback on a coworker's contribution to a project“.

比如,一个电脑公司、广告公司需要一起做一个项目a project。

同事之间需要给反馈:an employee 给coworker 对这个项目的贡献contribution to a project的反馈。

(3) 反馈的内容:Often, feedback is a mixture of positive and negative observations-praise and criticism.

包括积极的- 表扬;消极的-批评。比如,同事有很多有创意的想法。或者同事总是拖延到最后一刻,做事不投入。

(4) 开放题型:What do you think is the most effective way to provide feedback to a colleague when the feedback is mixed? Why?


① 先积极,再给批评。



1. 先表扬再批评:有利于维护团队的和谐关系。先表扬,让同事先意识到自己的付出是受到认可的。之后再给批评,让他们也更容易接受。

2. 先批评再表扬:先批评有利于同事先意识到自己问题的严重性,改善自己的行为。否者,他们先luxuriate 沉浸在表扬里就忽略了后面的批评内容。


I firmly believe it is wiser to praise a coworker before giving them the negative feedback.

This sequence is instrumental in building a harmonious relationship in the group.When receiving praise for their contribution to the project, employees would feel their hard work is worthwhile and recognized, a sense of accomplishment that can drive them to commit further.

Even though a harsh criticism follows, regarding their low work morale or unsatisfactory work performance, they would not feel as hurt compared to receiving criticism first.

My own experience can serve as a compelling example. At the early stage of my career, I was so new in my job that I made a lot of mistakes including in accommodating the work schedules, booking meeting rooms, and writing contracts. I was very nervous in the review meeting, waiting other colleagues to criticize me for my faults.

Surprisingly, they rewarded me instead for my efforts to correct mistakes and learn from more experienced colleagues .

Although they highlighted these mistakes had resulted in financial losses, leading to a one-third cut in my salary as a penalty, I accepted it willingly and was determined to work harder to compensate for my losses.







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