
今天这篇文章,我想表扬一下在我的 英语学术写作 课上进步非常大的一位同学(化名 Jack),他目前是一名 G5 的学生。



A famous person you would like to meet

The person that I want to meet is Karim Abdul-Jabbar. Firstly,  He is a wonderful basketball player! He got 38787points at NBA, he got MVP, FMVP, and 6 trophies! I really want to see him but I can't. He is my idol. He is also one of the best players in NBA history. Also, he has good qualities, he is strict strong gritty, and Competitive. He is a good example for us. Again he is my idol, I want to visit him.

这个段落的语法基本上都是对的,并且结构也很清晰,Jack 能够在简短的段落中,清楚地表达他的观点。但是问题同样也是很明显的:

句式比较单一。我们可以看到,he is...;he got...; I want to...类似这样简单的句型,一直重复地出现。

并且,这个段落只有 83 个词,是远远没有达到国际学校段落写作的要求的。

最大的问题,Jack 并不能很好地区分书面语和口头语

这段文本的大致意思是,我最想见的人是贾巴尔,他得了 38,787 分,他拿了 MVP 和 FMVP,然后拿了 6 个奖杯!这就很明显,因为我们在学术写作里面基本上是不会去用感叹号的。


到了第五节课的时候,Jack 写的文章其实已经有了明显的进步。

Three ways you can make friends

First, you can make new friends with the new kid in your school, because they don't have friends in your school, so it is easier for you to make friend /So making friends becomes much easier. Second, for example, you can say" hello, can I play with you" and play together with them. Third, if you and that person all like to play one(or more) kind of sports, that is a good chance to make a friend. These are the 3 easy ways that you can make friends, but there's more. But, if you are mean, not nice, no one even whats to be friends with you! So be nice, be kind.

最大的进步体现在,Jack 已经懂得,在句首或者说是在整个句子的用词上,尽量使用不同的句式和表达

First, you can make new friends..., because...这个从句就让句式变得更加多样。还有 so it is...; making friends...; second, for example...; and third, if you...

第二个,我认为比较大的进步是,他能驾驭的篇幅比以前更长了,现在他的文章已经达到了 113 个词(第一节课是 83 个词)。

最后关于我们刚才说到的口语化的问题,从第五节课开始,他就有比较大的进步了。他会使用 transitional words 来增强逻辑(First, second, third)。并且他用到了 because, so, for example,这些都是逻辑感以及靠近书面用语的体现了。

到最近的一节课,Jack 写的文章是这样的⬇️

Differences between swimming in a pool and in the ocean
These three things about the difference between swim in the swimming pool and swimming in the ocean.

At swimming pools, there were more lifesavers, it was easy to rescue. Because there are so many people at the beach, the lifesavers will probably ignore you when you are Trapped. Second, at the swimming pool, there are many facilities for playing, but the beach doesn't have any. Third, the swimming pools' services are much better than the ocean. Often at the swimming pool, they can change the water many times, and always be clean and clear.

These are the difference between swimming in a pool and swimming at the beach,  I prefer to swim in the swimming pool it got good services and fun facilities. What do you think?

先感受一下,段落篇幅明显增加了,现在已经是 127 个词了。


有开头段,有中间部分,也有结尾。我们可以重点看中间段,他不是单纯去说swimming pool 很好,他还对比了 beach,以及他还能具体的说到 swimming pool 的服务更好之类的。在用词上,更加地 professional 了,比如他在这里说到,水是非常的干净和清透的,他用了“clean and clear”,压头韵。

进步我们先说到这里,当然我也有一些小建议,不仅仅是给这位同学的,对于 英语学术写作 课的其他同学,以及在国际学校就读的同学们都是适用的。




英语学术写作 是专门为 6 - 9 年级 学生设计的入门学术写作课,旨在培养孩子的综合学术写作能力:从句子编写,到句子目的,再到段落完整度,最后到段落的布局。

英语学术写作 还能陪你们一起养成良好的写作习惯。









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