


About PUMaC



  • 第一种是Power Competition,学生将仅参与动力赛部分,线上进行;

  • 第二种是Main Competition,在普林斯顿大学校园举行,比赛内容包含动力赛,个人赛,和团队赛。除了比赛,学生还可以选择参加各式各样的小型活动。完成个人赛的记分后,高分者将被邀请参加个人决赛的考试。团队将继续在激烈的现场比赛中竞争。比赛结束后,举办方将举行颁奖仪式,以表彰和祝贺比赛中的最佳团队和个人。

The Princeton University Mathematics Competition (PUMaC) is an annual competition run by the Princeton University Math Club, and founded in 2006.

PUMaC has two distinct competitions (Teams should register for at most one of the two Competitions):

  • The Power Competition → teams only take the Power Round, which will be held online

  • The Main Competition → held on the Princeton University campus, which consists of Power Round, Individual Tests, and Team Test. In addition to the competition, students have the option of participating in various scheduled Mini-Events. High-scoring individuals will be invited to take the Individual Finals exam once we finish scoring the individual rounds. Teams will also compete against each other in the fast-paced Live Round, and the day will conclude with an awards ceremony acknowledging and congratulating the best teams and individuals in the competition.


Competition Rules

  • 动力赛:比赛内容是一个以证明题为主的测试,需要学生运用创造性思维来解决问题,可能需要一两个小时以上的时间,没有考试时间限制。参赛队伍可以合作完成这项测试。题目将于3月23日发布,参赛者需要于3月30日前提交答案。

  • 个人赛:每个参加PUMaC的学生将从四种测试(Algebra, Combinatorics, Geometry, and Number Theory)中选择两种作为个人赛。个人赛共有8道题,考试时间为60分钟。

  • 团队赛:每个团队将得到一套指示和问题,团队必须在规定的时间内尽力完成作答,鼓励团队合作解决问题。本轮考试不以证明题为主。考试时长约为30分钟。

  • 个人决赛:每项个人赛的得分前10名,将被邀请参加个人决赛考试。这是以证明题为主的考试。考试时长约为90分钟。将有三个问题,难度依次递增。不同组别的参赛者将收到不同的试题集。参赛者不允许在这部分比赛中进行合作。

  • Power Round: a way for PUMaC to expose a team to what proof-based mathematics is about – questions that may take more than an hour or two and require creative thinking to solve. The eight students comprising a single team may collaborate on this test. There is no time limit. The questions will be released on March 23 and participants need to submit their answers by March 30.

  • Individual Tests: Each participant of PUMaC will take two Individual Tests from a choice of four: Algebra, Combinatorics, Geometry, and Number Theory. The Individual Tests will have eight problems in the subject areas chosen by the participants. Each Individual Test is 60 minutes.

  • Team Test: Each team will be given a set of instructions and problems, and they must do their best to finish the exam within the time limit given, collaboration is allowed (and encouraged). This round is not proof-based. Team Tests have a time limit of approximately 30 minutes

  • Individual Finals: The top 10 individuals in each test, in each division, will be invited to take the Individual Finals exam. This competition is proof-based. The Individual Finals exam has a time limit of 90 minutes. There will be three questions, intended to be in increasing order of difficulty. Participants in different divisions will receive different sets of questions. Participants are NOT allowed to collaborate on this part of the competition.


Contest Date and Location

  • 动力赛Power Competition题目将于2023年3月23日线上发布,参赛者需要在3月30日前提交答案

  • 主赛Main Competition将于2023年4月1日在位于美国新泽西州的普林斯顿大学举行

  • The Power Competition questions will be released online on March 23, 2023, and participants must submit answers by March 30.

  • The Main Competition will occur in-person on April 1, 2023 at Princeton University in New Jersey, USA.



  • 参赛队伍由8名学生组成;

  • 个人参赛者也接受报名,但仅限于参加主竞赛(Main Competition);

  • 申请者必须在参赛时未满20岁周岁;

  • 申请者年级不得高于12年级(An Individual must not have been enrolled full-time in a post-secondary institution before the PUMaC competition date.);

  • 一般来说,学生需要来自同一高中或同一地区,最终是否有参赛资格,由组委会决定;

  • 竞赛注册时,队伍可以选择参加A组或B组组别。A组别较为适合有经验的选手,B组别较为适合新手。A组别的选手的个人赛部分难度会更高,但动力赛、团队赛等其他赛事部分难度一致。A组和B组的奖项将分开颁发。如果一支队伍中的学生并非来自于同一学校,只能参加A组别的赛事。

  • A full team will consist of 8 members.

  • Individual applicants are also accepted, but only for the Main Competition.

  • A team member must not have reached his or her 20th birthday before the PUMaC competition date.

  • A team member must not have been enrolled full-time in a post-secondary institution before the PUMaC competition date.

  • Generally, teams should come from single high schools, but teams from well-defined geographical regions (comprising members from several schools) coming from a long distance will be allowed for their own convenience. The committee will have the final word on the legitimacy of teams that do not come from an individual school.

  • When registering, teams may indicate a preference between the A Division and the B Division. The A Division is designed for the more experienced teams, and the B Division is recommended for teams newer to competitions. Teams competing in the A Division will receive more challenging individual tests. The Power Round, Team Round, and Live Round will be identical for both divisions. Awards for the two divisions will be separately calculated. Teams that do not come from a single high school must compete in the A Division.


Academic Focus Areas

(Recommended to Students)


High school students who are excellent in math, usually required to be AIME qualifiers.


Registration Deadline


Registration will be closed on Monday, February 20, 2023 at 5PM Eastern


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