Personal Narrative Writing Contest 纽约时报个人陈述比赛
Review Contest 纽约时报评论比赛
STEM Writing Contest 纽约时报科学类写作比赛
Editorial Contest 纽约时报社论比赛
Summer Reading Contest 纽约时报夏季读写比赛
Every year since 2010, The Learning Network has invited teenagers around the world to add The New York Times to their summer reading lists. So far, more than 70,000 have done so.
If you are looking for ways to offer students more “voice and choice,” we hope our open-ended contest can help. Every week, we ask participants to choose something in The Times that has piqued their interest, and then tell us why. At the end of the week, judges from the Times newsroom pick their favorite responses, and we publish them. It’s that simple.
Though our goals include some that appear on many educators’ lists — helping students become more aware of the world and their place in it; learning how to navigate sophisticated nonfiction; and practicing writing for an audience — we also hope that students will realize that reading the newspaper can be fun. As you’ll see in the guidelines below, they can choose anything that was published on NYTimes.com in 2021. The subject matter isn’t important; we just care about why they chose it.
2010年起,《纽约时报》每年夏天都会举办的夏季读写比赛,目前全球有超过 8万名中学生参加比赛。
参赛的中学生,可以连续 6月10日 -8月19日每周投稿,比赛期间学生需每周从2022年纽约时报文章中挑选出自己感兴趣的内容。
其他地区参赛学生 年龄 16-19岁
美国和英国地区 11-12岁以及其他地区11-15岁的学生,须有家长帮助递交
“What interested you most in The Times this week?” “Why”,这周在《纽约时报》上你最关注的是什么?为什么?
学生可以任意选择2020年纽约时报上发布的任意主题下的article、essay、video、interactive、podcast or photograph来发表自己的看法和见解,不能超过250~300个字。
The contest runs from June 11-Aug. 19
获奖的作优秀作品将有机会在《纽约时报》的官网刊登。奖项设置比赛时间一共有10周,学生在每周都会有得奖机会,奖项将会分为:Winner(每个星期一个)Runner-up 和 Honorable mentions (每个星期若干名)
Contest Guidelines
1. Every Friday beginning on June 11, we will publish a post asking the same question: “What got your attention in The Times this week?” That’s where you should post an answer any time until the following Friday, when we will close that post to comment and open a new one that asks the same question. On Aug. 13 we’ll post our final question of the summer, open until midnight on Aug. 19.
2. You can choose anything you like that was published in the print paper or on NYTimes.com in 2021, including articles, Op-Eds, videos, graphics, photos and podcasts.
3. You can participate as often as every week, but we allow only one submission per person per week.
4. Responses must be 1,500 characters or fewer. We have a contest rubric as well as a guide for students that details four simple ways to make your response stand out.
5. Any teenager anywhere in the world is invited to join us, if you are in middle or high school, or if you graduated from high school in 2021 and haven’t started college yet.
6. Make sure to provide us with the complete URL or headline. For example, “A Man Found 15,000 Bees in His Car After Grocery Shopping” or https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/01/us/bees-car-new-mexico.html.
7. Every Tuesday during the contest, starting June 29 and ending Sept. 7, we will publish a previous week’s winner or winners in a separate post.