《纽约时报》100字个人叙事写作比赛2025项目备赛报名 历届获奖作品赏析!

《纽约时报》 New York Times(NYT)是美国最大的本地都市报,也是美国三大报纸之一。纽约时报系列写作比赛是《纽约时报》举办的,全年滚动开展。如果学生投稿文章,能够得到评委的青睐乃至获奖,登上该报刊,无论是对申请理工科还是文商类专业的学生,都会起到非常重要的助力作用。2024-2025《纽约时报》秋季学期大赛信息已更新。









02·什么是个人叙述? ·




03·怎样才能使我的 100 字叙述脱颖而出?·



你可以尝试一些技巧,比如让读者融入场景,用细节来展示而不是讲述,有目的地整合对话,或者尝试创造性的讲故事形式(阅读获奖故事《Tiny Love Stories》来了解我们的意思)。

请记住,只有 100 个字来讲述你的故事,每个字都很重要。《Tiny Love Stories》的编辑建议像写诗一样来写你的作品,玩转声音、标点、句子长度和重复,让每个音节都发挥作用。

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获奖者将在 2025 年 2 月初宣布

05·往届获奖作品 ·

Cast Doubt

Left arm wrapped in a bright yellow cast, I marched into my first-grade classroom, brandishing my shattered wrist for all to see.

“Can I sign it?”

For the next three weeks, I was a celebrity. Elected line leader, I paraded my troops across campus, signatures and doodles adorning my casted arm. But it turns out, I wasn’t the celebrity: the cast was.

Castless, I asked Molly, the prettiest girl in class, what she thought about my now-splinted arm.

“Your breath smells like barf.”

To the back of the line I went, with the rest of the W’s, X’s and Y’s.

— Adam Xu, 16, Saratoga High School, Saratoga, Calif.

The Sidewalk

The three of us walk on a sidewalk. Side by side as we head home. We take turns talking to one another. Three isn’t an even number so one of us is always left out. The sidewalk narrows and soon it is only two of you standing side by side. I stand behind and walk alone. I cross the street and continue walking on the opposite side. By the time you guys notice I’ll already be home. Later you’ll send me the same text. “Sorry, we didn’t notice.” And I’ll respond with mine. “It’s fine.”

— Nicole, 15, Alisal High School, Salinas, Calif.

Packing all that I hold dear in 20 minutes or less

Black smoke from afar within an hour was at our backyard’s doorstep. Fires were always on other hills, in other people’s neighborhoods. My coveted shoes, a laptop, my Konietzko drawings. Our cars were filled with instruments, art, albums, knickknacks from 37 countries, and thoughts of what was left behind. Twenty acres blew up to 30,000 acres in three days fueled by drought and 108-degree temperatures. Days, Dad stood guard. A week passed before we came home to a backyard filled with swaths of bright fuchsia retardant dropped by dozens of planes and firefighters. Pink is now my favorite color.

— Zubin Carvalho, 17, Western Center Academy, Hemet, Calif.







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