2025年John Locke写作竞赛题目终于公布!作为全球人文社科领域极具影响力的竞赛之一,John Locke竞赛为参赛者提供了展示独立思考能力的平台,还为优胜者打开了通往世界顶尖学府的大门。今天,就让我们一起深入了解这场“文科赛事天花板”的John Locke赛事规则和备赛要点!
2025年John Locke题目
Philosophy 哲学
Q1:What moral obligations do we owe to livingpersons that we do not owe to future persons?What are the implications of your answer forpolicy-making?
Q2:Should we treat non-human animals wellbecause they have rights,interests,neither, orboth?
Q3:"When civilians are the main target, there's noneed to consider the cause. That's terrorism; it'sevil." ls this correct?
Politics 政治
Q1:Should politicians ever be punished for lying?
Q2:David Hume celebrated the wisdom of"unlettered men. In a democracy, do the votes ofthe unlettered tend to protect a country against thebad ideas of the lettered or do the votes of thelettered tend to protect a country against the badideas of the unlettered?
Q3:Diversity is fashionable, but is it valuable?
Economics 经济
Q1:What kinds of behaviour are engendered by thehope of profit? Is such behaviour better or worse.on balance, than the behaviour we should expect ifall enterpriseswere owned by charities orgovernments?
Q2:What will be the efect on socio-economicmobility of the UK government's plan to imposevalue added tax on school fees?
Q3:Should Oxford lower its admissions standardsfor the sons and daughters ofgenerousbenefactors?
History 历史
Q1:According to Bertrand Russell, "Hitler is anoutcome of Rousseau, Roosevelt and Churchill ofLocke" To what extent was he correct?
Q2:Should anyone be ashamed of their nation'shistory? Should anyone be proud of it?
Q3:Which figure in history did most to enlargehuman freedom?
Law 法律
Q1:What injury should one person be permittedto inflict on another in the defence of privateproperty?
Q2:“Use every man after his desert, and whoshould scape whipping?”Should the law treatofenders better than they deserve?
Q3:ls Vladimir Putin a war criminal?
Psychology 心理
Q1:Is objectivity all in the mind?
Q2:Eleanor Roosevelt declared, "No one canmake you feel inferior without your consent" lsshe right?
Q3:What is self-deceit?
Q1:Is atheism implausible?
Q2:Why would the creator of a trillion galaxiesbecome angry if you have sex with your boyfriendor eat bacon for breakfast?
Q3:why pray?
Q1:Your citizenship at birth was chosen for you.Which citizenship would you have chosen?
Q2:Do you benefit more from your own freedomof speech or from other people's?
Q3:Who is more powerful - Donald Trump orElon Musk?
Q4:What is your fair share of what someone elsehas earned?
Q5:Why do you continue to useyoursmartphone more than is good for you?
John Locke中文版翻译题目,可添加扫码CC老师领取!v:Thinker_0506
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通过参与John Locke比赛,学生可以提升自己的议论文写作能力,学会如何清晰、有条理地表达自己的观点。评审的反馈可以帮助学生了解自己的不足,进一步改进写作技巧。
John Locke竞赛的学术化写作风格有助于参赛者适应雅思或托福写作中对于学术化表达的要求。通过参与竞赛,考生可以更加熟悉如何运用学术化的语言来阐述自己的观点和论据。学生可以积累大量专业词汇,这些词汇在雅思和托福写作中同样适用,能够提升文章的学术性和表达的准确性。
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2025年John Locke竞赛规则
▴ 高年级组:提交论文时年龄不超过18岁,涵盖哲学、政治、经济、历史、心理、神学和法律七大主题。
🔸 注册开始时间:2025 年 4 月 1 日
🔸报名截止日期:2025 年 5 月 31 日(在此日期之前需要注册才能提交后续申请
🔸提交截止日期:2025 年 6 月 30 日
🔸延迟报名截止日期:2025 年 7 月 7 日(延期 7 天)或 2025 年 7 月 21 日(延期 21 天)
🔸入围通知:2025 年 7 月 31 日
🔸学术会议:2025 年 10 月 3 日至 5 日
🔸颁奖晚宴:2025 年 10 月 4 日
每篇文章必须在 2000 字以下(不包括图表、数据表、脚注、参考书目或作者声明);论文必须是原创性的研究成果。
🥇 Grand Prize:最高奖项,1名,获得John Locke Institute提供的10,000美元奖学金。
🥈 学科奖项:每个学科类别选出最佳论文,获奖者将获得2000美元奖学金。
🥉 High Commendation:入围者可获得High Commendation奖项,但并非所有入围者都能获得此奖项。
John Locke竞赛培训辅导
为了可以帮助学生更好地准备 John Locke 竞赛,机构为2025年John Locke竞赛提供了多种辅导班型,满足不同基础学生的需求。
1.专业的John Locke竞赛师资,用的师资都是参加过Johnlocke并拿过奖或带过奖的老师;
由经验丰富的教授、学者和往届获奖者组成的导师团,熟知John Locke竞赛的特点和评审标准,能够为学生提供个性化的指导和建议。