

AAPT 美国物理摄影展评

AAPT High School Physics Photo Contest美国高中生物理摄影大赛由美国物理教师协会AAPT主办,该竞赛旨在激发学生学习的兴趣,同时让学生们感受到大自然和生活中物理的美。同时也为教师和学生提供了一个通过视觉和文字形式了解自然和人为情况背后物理学的机会,将艺术的审美和物理的神秘相结合。









✔️ Natural photos自然类照片:日常生活中自然出现的包含物理原理的照片

✔️ Contrived photos设计类照片:通过人为设计从而展现特定物理概念的照片


✔️ 以表达物理现象和原理为内涵,凡自然发生或创意安排的现象所拍摄的图片均可,用少于250字的篇幅说明有关图片所表达的物理现象;每张照片要包含一个标题。

✔️ 高分辨率的照片,可以被清晰的放大至10寸照片大小(至少800万像素)。

✔️ 参赛作品必须为原创作品且不得通过电脑合成或者PS。













AAPT 美国物理摄影展评


School: Camford Royal School

Type: Contrived

Title: The Fantastic Karmen Vortex Street

Description: In fluid dynamics, a Kármán vortex street is a recurring pattern of whirling vortices created by vortex shedding, which is responsible for the unstable separation of flow around blunt things. It is named for the engineer and fluid dynamicist Theodore von Kármán and is responsible for phenomena such as the "singing" of suspended telephone or power wires and the vibration of an automobile antenna at certain speeds.

In the diagram, the ink is dropped into the water and the Kamen vortex can be seen to form by sliding the ink with a wooden stick. The ink is split into two streams by the stick, as the two streams are not perfectly symmetrical from side to side at any time. Because the higher the velocity of the fluid, the lower the pressure, so there must be a high pressure in one stream and a low pressure in the other. This causes the higher pressure stream to move towards the lower pressure stream until the pressure equilibrates. Therefore the vortex causes detachment and movement from the high pressure area to the low pressure area, the vortex also expands and diverges. As it continues, resulting in the Karmen vortex phenomenon, which form two asymmetrical streams continue to flow in a vortex alternatively. Due to the limited size of the bowl, the flow receives interference from the edges and the Karmen vortex effect is not very pronounced.

AAPT 美国物理摄影展评


School: Shanghai High School International Division

Type: Contrived

Title: Rainbow Flames on Soap Bubble

Description:This picture shows a soap bubble film under the light. The bubble film reflects a variety of different colors, forming a unique and beautiful rainbow pattern. This has resulted from a phenomenon known as thin-film interference. The soap bubble is a thin 3-layered film: the top and bottom are two layers of soap, and a layer of water is sandwiched between them. The thickness of this film is similar to the wavelengths of visible light. When light hits the soap bubble, the light that reflects from the top and bottom layers of soap interferes with each other. When the thickness of the bubble is just right, the two reflected lights constructively interfere to be brighter for some colors (in-phase), while reflected lights of other colors (out of phase) destructively interfere to be dimmer. This results in you seeing different colors on the bubble depending on the thickness of the bubble. In this photo, because of gravity, the thickness of the soap bubble increases towards the bottom, varying the colors reflected, producing a rainbow pattern. In addition, the photo shows that the color bands are more compact towards the lower end of the bubble. This is because gravity causes a constant acceleration on the film, leading to the rate of change of the film thickness increasing down the film. When taking the picture, viewing the bubble from different angles also changes the color seen, because of a phenomenon known as iridescence caused by the interference of light waves.



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