Social Justice Awards 2023 大赛正式开启!

Social Justice Awards 2023 大赛正式开启!

Social Justice Awards是由青少年非营利组织Social Justice Watcher (SJW) 所举办的写作、演讲与艺术大赛,旨在通过写作、演讲与艺术创作,引导青少年关注社会不平等现象,促使青年人思考并通过自身行动改变社会。



2022 Fall 大赛最终评审团队

Social Justice Awards 2023 大赛正式开启!


2023 赛事主题

Education Inequality is Opportunity Inequality

Education Gap is the root of inequality.

Educational inequality is the unequal distribution of academic resources, including but not limited to; school funding, qualified and experienced teachers, books, and technologies, to socially excluded communities. These communities tend to be historically disadvantaged and oppressed. Socio-economically disadvantaged students are the demographic that disproportionately faces roadblocks to succeeding academically. It is understood that, “compared to more privileged students, underrepresented students experience disparities in social capital and social support that contribute to academic achievement gaps” (Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology). “School failure penalises a child for life. The student who leaves school without completing upper secondary education or without the relevant skills has fewer life prospects” (OECD).This year, we invite young people from all over the world to discuss Education Inequality, think about how we can change people’s ideas through actions. We hope to convey a message to everyone:Education Inequality is Opportunity Inequality.

教育差距是不平等的根源。 教育不平等是学术资源的不平等分配,包括但不限于;为社会排斥的社区提供学校资金、合格且经验丰富的教师、书籍和技术。这些社区往往在历史上处于不利地位和受压迫。社会经济弱势学生是在学业上不成比例地面临障碍的人群。据了解,“与更多特权学生相比,代表性不足的学生在社会资本和社会支持方面存在差异,导致学业成绩差距”(应用发展心理学杂志)。“学业失败会让孩子终生受罚。没有完成高中教育或没有相关技能就离开学校的学生的生活前景较差”(经合组织)。 这次我们邀请世界各地的年轻人一起讨论教育不平等问题,思考如何通过行动改变人们的观念。我们希望向大家传达一个信息:教育不平等就是机会不平等。我们必须立即行动。

Education Inequality is Opportunity Inequality. 教育不平等即未来机会不平等。We must act now.我们必须立刻行动。


大赛题目 Prompts

1. “The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows” – Sydney J. Harris. What do you think education should be?

2. How has education narrow or widen the gap between developing and developed nations?

3. Is it truly possible to decolonize the institution or does decolonization require us to abolish it altogether? What alternative institutions of knowledge could be built to replace academia?

4. How education changes lives?

所有参赛者必须从以上题目中选择一个作为作品主题。 All candidates must answer one of these questions via writing, speech or artwork.

参赛条件 Entry Requirements


Entry is open to students from any country and any school. Candidates must be 21 years old, or younger, on the date of the submission deadline.

关键日期 Key Dates




15th April 2023: Submission deadline

1st May: Short-listed candidates notifiedWinners will be announced in

1st June.

奖项设置 Awards


First Prize, Second Prize, Third Prize,Shortlist for each genre and Grand Prize .

特别大奖得主将获得由 American Scholastic Convention(ASC)提供的美国顶尖大学教授科研项目指定课题全额奖学金1份


一等奖得主将获得由Social Justice Watcher(SJW)颁发的1000元奖金

参与费用 Entry Fee


200CNY/30USD. All income will be used for project operations and other non-profit activities.

写作要求 Writing Requirements

● 作品须以英语写成

● 叙事文或论文(600-2000词);诗歌(不超过80行)

● 作品须为原创。如有引用他人作品,参赛者必须包括文中引用以及参考文献。如发现有抄袭,参赛者将被立即取消资格。不要在文中包括名字、家庭住址等任何个人信息。

● The work must be written in English

● Narratives or Essays (600-2000 words); Poetry (no more than 80 lines)

● Participants must complete their work originally. If other’s works are cited, participants must include in-textcitation and bibliography. Once the participant is found to plagiarized, he or she will be disqualified directly. Do not include any personal information, such as name, home address, etc

作品格式 The Format

● MS Word文件(文件须小于20M)

● 作品题目必须置于作品第一页

● Times New Roman字体,12号字,2.0行距

● 如有参考,请使用文中引用及参考文献

● 文件名以姓名+类别组成(Sam Zhang, Writing)

● MS Word Format files (files less than 20 M)

● The title of the work must be placed at the first page of the article

● Times New Roman, 12-point type, double-spaced

● If there are references, please indicate the in-text citation and references

● The file is named by name + category (Sam Zhang, Writing)

演讲作品要求 Speech Requirements

● 作品须以英语演讲

● 演讲时长不得超过5分钟

● 作品须为原创。如有引用他人作品,参赛者必须包括文中引用以及参考文献。如发现有抄袭,参赛者将被立即取消资格。不要在文中包括名字、家庭住址等任何个人信息。

● The speech must be done in English

● Video length must not exceed 5 minutes

● Participants must complete their work originally. Once the participant is found to plagiarized, he or she will be disqualified directly. Do not include any personal information, such as name, home address, etc

作品格式 The Format

● 作品以Word作为最终格式上传(例如:某参赛作品为摄影/视频作品,则参赛者可以先建立word文档,在文档中插入作品/视频链接, 例如bilibili,youtube etc.以及作品陈述后提交)

● 文件名由姓名+类别组成(keyi Lin, Speech)

● Videos will be uploaded in video link (e.g. bilibili, youtube etc.)

● The file is named by name + category (keyi Lin, Speech)

艺术作品要求 Art Requirements

● 漫画、音乐、设计、视频、绘画、插图、混合画、摄影、版画

● 作品须为原创。

● 参赛者可以组成不超过2人的团队完成作品,或自己独自完成。

● 不要包括名字、家庭住址等任何个人信息

● 参赛者须提交不少于100词的英文作品陈述

● Works in the form of comic art, music, design, video, painting and illustration, mixed media, photography, printmaking

● Participants must complete their work originally

● Participants can choose to complete the work in a group no more than 2 people, or they can choose to complete it by oneself

● Do not include any personal information, such as name, home address, etc

●Written reflection in English (artist’s statement) of more than 100 words is required

作品格式 The Format

● 视频请以视频链接形式(例如bilibili,youtube etc.)上传,其他作品以PDF作为最终格式上传(例如:某参赛作品为摄影/视频作品,则参赛者可以先建立word文档,在文档中插入作品/视频链接以及作品陈述,转换成PDF形式提交)

● 如有参考作品,请包含文中引用及参考文献

● 文件名由姓名+类别组成(An Li, Art)

● Videos will be uploaded in video link (e.g. bilibili, youtube etc.), and other works will be uploaded in PDF type

● If there are references, please indicate the in-text citation and references

● The file is named by name + category (An Li, Art)


● 文件一旦上传,不可更改或退款

● 写作与演讲比赛禁止组队

● Once the work is submitted, it can not be changed or refunded

● The writers and speekers can't team up


● 我可以提交多个不同类别的作品参赛吗?


● 在哪里可以看到往届比赛信息和获奖作品呢?


● 我的作品会被刊登吗?


● 我可以申请免除参赛费用吗?




Social Justice Awards 2023 大赛正式开启!








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