Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS) is one of the most globally diverse, two-week academic summer programs in the world, serving over 2,000 students from 150+ countries and all 50 U.S. states.
YYGS' curriculum is highly collaborative, exposing participants to innovative topics while facilitating student discussions shaped by international perspectives. Students have the opportunity to participate in a STEM, social sciences, humanities, or cross-disciplinary track.
第一期 6.22 - 7.4
第二期 7.6 - 7.18
第三期 7.20 - 8.1
Recommended to Students
- 暑期有安排但仍有空余时间的学生,作为一个时长两周比较紧凑的夏校项目,可以起到一个很好的衔接作用
- 将耶鲁作为目标院校,希望提前感受耶鲁以及纽黑文生活环境,体验大学课堂及校园文化的同学
- 适合还在探索专业兴趣的同学
- 项目开设三期,时间较为灵活
- 寄宿制夏校
- Students will benefit from the program if they have a short period of time exploring Yale, an Ivy League college, while exploring majors of interest over the summer.
- 科技创新
- 文学哲学与文化
- 政治法律与经济
- 解决全球挑战
Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS) offers three session dates featuring four academic tracks: IST, LPC, PLE, and SGC.
科技创新 Innovation in Science & Technology (IST)
- 适合对于未来想走STEM相关专业的同学,IST项目带领学生探索各种不同的科学领域,例如物理学、分子生物学、化学、生物化学、天文学、工程学、神经科学、免疫学、心理学和地球科学。学生将以未来科学家的视角审视世界,锻炼学生的批判性思维和分析能力,同时强调合作和团队合作的重要性,从而培养学生成为未来有影响力的科学家。
Innovations in Science & Technology (IST) is designed for students who are interested in learning about diverse topics in the STEM fields and applying scientific principles to real-world applications. Students explore a wide variety of scientific fields such as physics, molecular biology, chemistry, biochemistry, astronomy, engineering, neuroscience, immunology, psychology, and earth science. Students also are exposed to interdisciplinary applications across the many scientific fields ranging from the nanoscopic to the astronomical in scale.
文学,哲学和文化 Literature, Philosophy, & Culture (LPC)
- LPC为未来想学习文学的学生设计了多元化的课程,学生将参与到小说、哲学、诗歌、戏剧、电影、音乐、视觉艺术、舞蹈和其他创造性艺术的学习中。该项目着重培养学生的语言和写作能力,学生将在人文艺术如何改变社会的问题上得到更深层的理解。
Literature, Philosophy, & Culture (LPC) is designed for students with an interest in the expression and interpretation of creativity and culturally significant texts. Participants study fiction, philosophy, poetry, theater, film, music, visual arts, dance, and other creative arts.
Instructional staff will frame texts and media comparatively and internationally, enabling students to think more fluently about their places in the world and cultivate the skills to better articulate themselves in speaking and writing. Students will be presented with interdisciplinary and international perspectives and will consider the function of the arts and humanities when inspiring solutions to social problems and dilemmas.
政治,法律和经济 Politic Law & Economics (PLE)
- PLE将会成为未来想要学习政治或经济学专业同学的首选,课程将会从历史的角度,通过对比研究来了解不同经济学理论、政府政策的实践与应用,课程涵盖公共政策、人权、市场监管、治理结构、国际政策、跨境冲突与合作等主题。本课程的目的是培养学生的批判性思维和分析能力,使他们能够通过经济、法律和政治理论的视角来审视社会制度和当今问题,成为优秀的世界公民。
Politics, Law, & Economics (PLE) is a session aimed at students with an interest in understanding diverse economic theories, the values and practices of government, and legal frameworks in historical and comparative perspectives.Students learn key ideas in topics such as public policy, human rights, market regulation, governance structures, international policy, and conflict and cooperation across borders.
The session builds students’ critical thinking and analytical skills, enabling them to examine social systems and present-day issues through the lenses of economic, legal, and political theory. During PLE, students draw extensively on interdisciplinary approaches to build their expertise and increase their exposure to a wide array of topics within the session theme, preparing them to be more informed and engaged global citizens.
解决全球挑战 Solving Global Challenges (SGC)
- SGC致力于以创新和跨学科的方法解决21世纪全球社会面临的最大挑战。课程重点关注于联合国所提出的17个可持续发展目标,主题包括全球健康、性别平等、减少贫困、环境可持续性和绿色技术等。SGC吸纳了从STEM到社会科学再到人文艺术不同学术领域的课程,学生将在批判性分析、解决问题和创造力方面得到锻炼,探索并创新可持续的解决方案,为当代社会、经济和环境所存在的问题提出建议。
Solving Global Challenges (SGC) focuses on innovative and cross-disciplinary approaches to solving the greatest challenges facing the global community in the 21st century.Using an interdisciplinary approach, students work towards developing solutions to issues with a global impact, focusing heavily on the 17 key challenges identified in theUnited Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)(link is external). These wide-ranging topics includeglobal health, gender equality, poverty alleviation, art in protest, environmental sustainability, and green technologies.
This session gives students the tools to translate between technical knowledge and in-practice implications. SGC draws on a multitude of academic disciplines, from STEM to social sciences to the humanities and the arts. Students will practice skills in critical analysis, problem solving, and creativity as they explore and brainstorm innovative and sustainable solutions to a wide array of contemporary social, economic, and environmental problems.
How to Apply
- 年级/年龄:10-11年级(2025年7月20日前16-18周岁)
- 语言水平:能够参与英文学术课堂(可提交托福或Duolinguo,非强制)
- 参与过YYGS项目的同学不可重复申请,对于过去有过申请失败经历的同学允许并鼓励再次申请
- 申请材料:
- 活动简历
- 400字申请文书+200字小短文
- 2个短回答(字数限制为280个字母)
- 高中官方成绩单Official transcript
- 一封教师推荐信
- $6,500 USD
Application DDL
- 早申(Early Action):2024年10月20日美东时间晚上11:59(录取决定将于2024年12月16日放出)
- 常规申请(Regular Decision):2025年1月10日美东时间晚上11:59(录取决定将于2025年3月10日放出)
Past Student Testimonials
"YYGS offers a relaxing study environment where I could discuss academic and social issues with my professors. I also made a lot friends."