BPho真题解析:BPhO Round 1 marking 2017

BPhO Round 1 marking 2017

  • Positive marking is the aim. Marks should be awarded for good physics, even if the reasoning does not follow the mark scheme. Alternative routes to the answers can be allowed.
  • Significant figures. A leeway of ±1 sig fig is allowed; if the published solution gives 3, allow 2 or4 in the students answer. This only applies to the final answers as intermediate answers may be recorded to greater precision to avoid rounding errors. Candidates should not lose more than 1 mark per question for this even if they have got it wrong in more than one place in the question (they might lose all their hard earned marks otherwise). Question 1 (a) is different in this respect as it is specifically about sf and dp.
  • Units should be given for the final answer. It may be that the unit is given a little earlier and that it does not appear on the very last line. Some allowance may be made if it is clear that the unit has been used a line or two earlier.
  • In one or two places the units are a required part of the answer for the mark, and so must be there.
  • Error carried forward (ecf) is allowed provided ridiculous results do not start appearing. A mark is lost for the initial mistake, but then they can carry on (if it is possible) to gain some of the subsequent marks.
  • You are not required to spend time deciphering scribble.
  • In some cases, the mark scheme allows for different methods of solution. You will need to award marks for these solutions, with a mark for each key step in heading for a solution. You cannot give more marks than is available.
  • The significant figures - although some details are given above;this is not a paper testing use of significant figures. Two sig figures in the answer to almost every question would be fine. I think you will find some inconsistencies in the solutions, with more figures given than might be justified.
  • There are a few questions in which two or at most three marks are awarded for working, whose details are not shown. For example, Qu 3 on the crane; there are a number of ways of getting the results, but students will generally not set out their path. Therefore, a mark for a sensible resolving, or taking moments about a point; will contribute to the working marks; often students will get lost. You do not need to find the exact point at which they made a mistake. Wrong answer-they lose that mark. Some working heading in the right direction, one or two marks. Judgement is required, but not timewasting.







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